A Dialogue on Trinity-2

continued from "A Dialogue on Trinity"

Madeleine: You are right, Dad! Also, I can see that the three processors would still be parts of the one; so, the analogy does fail.

Clark: You saw it well.

Madeleine: So, we lack an analogy?

Clark: Well, there may be a few natural ones like space which has three dimensions (Length, Breadth, Depth), time has three divisions (Past, Present, Future), persons have three references (First person, Second person, Third person), and the universe has three realities (Space, Time, Matter).

Madeleine: Water has three forms: liquid, solid, vapor.

Clark: Right. However, we must be careful here because there is a false view known as Sabellianism (or Modalism) which says that God has three forms: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. According to this false view, the Son who died on the cross was the same as the Father.

Madeleine: What are the other false views?

Clark: These are the four chief heresies or false teachings:

Unitarianism: One God = One Person
Modalism: One God =Three Forms
Tripartitism: One God =Three Parts
Tritheism: Three Gods = Three Persons

The Bible teaches us that there is one God; the Father is God, the Son is God, the Spirit is God.

Madeleine: Was this known to people in both the Old Testament and the New Testament?

Clark: The word "Trinity" was not known to them, of course. Also, the way in which this doctrine is known to us today was not known to them as such, then.

Madeleine: So, they didn't have the confusion.

Clark: Yes. For instance, in the Old Testament, the Spirit of God is mentioned several times. Similarly, we find references to the Son of God, the Angel of the Lord, and the Glory of the Lord which we know were references to Jesus. However, there was no confusion regarding the oneness of God. Similarly, in the New Testament, Jesus was prayed to, Jesus was worshiped, and the Christians were baptized with the Holy Spirit. But, they didn't have a problem about the Trinity. At least, we don't find any such problem mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. They all knew and believed that God is one. They also knew that God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and that the Holy Spirit dwells among us today to guide us into all truth and help us in our weaknesses.

to be continued...

Go to A Dialogue on Trinity - Part III...

© Domenic Marbaniang, July 2010

The Promise of the Light of Life

“I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12

The dim bulb flickered unpredictably as Head Constable Karamchand Hans dozed off on his chair at the Ferozepur police station. A vile and violent man, he had been very furious with his mom that evening, because she paid no heed to his threatenings to not allow the missionaries. He had shouted in fury, “There is no God” as he lashed out of the home deciding not to come back that evening. Now, while he reclined on his chair, darkness had descended all around. Suddenly, a great light shone inside the station and Karamchand awoke with a start, his hands trying to cover his eyes from the dazzling light. A voice broke out “Karamchand, I AM!” That night God called Karamchand Hans to serve him. He had objected saying that he was a bad drunkard and so was unworthy, but the Lord told him that liquor would smell as filth to him from then on. Karamchand went on to become a great Christian leader in the land of Punjab, and served Christ faithfully in a ministry that impacted the whole of India.

Jesus Christ has promised that he who follows Him will not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. There is no darkness so thick that He can’t pierce, there is no body so diseased that He can’t heal, there is no life so lost that He can’t save; for, He alone is the light of the world.

Prayer: Lord, You are the light of my life. When darkness seems to cover me from all sides and all hope seems lost, I will lift up my eyes to You; for, without You this darkness is darker still, but Your presence blots it out.Take this heart of mine, O Lord, and flood it with Your light! Amen!

© Domenic Marbaniang, 2010.

Study Doctrines Online

Here is the link to an online study of doctrines. Kindly let the page download fully for the verses to display as tool tips.

ϯ Outline of Theology

7 Pillars of Wisdom

  1. Devotion: Fear of the Lord, Godliness

  2. Discipline: Control: Body, Soul (Mind, Will, Emotion): temperance, self-control

  3. Dream: Vision, Purpose, Meaning, Track

  4. Desire: Passion, Motivation, Inspiration, Constraint

  5. Discovery: Information, Knowledge, Counsel

  6. Duty/Diligence

  7. Discipleship: Learning, Teaching, Raising Leaders

© Domenic Marbaniang July 25, 2010 7:59AM

On the Ground

The night drops curtains all around,
The wind blows roughly all around,
I've toppled and dropped Your candle
On the ground!

The day ran lightly, gleeful, and sound,
The heart followed after round and round,
It slipped and lost its handle
On the ground!

Much gold through labor, we all have found,
Much gold through passion, we all have drowned,
We've failed to stick our sandal
On the ground!

The night dropped its curtains all around,
The wind blew so roughly all around,
But stronger burnt Your candle
On Your ground!

The day dragged on heavily with furious sound,
The Spirit broke the cycle of merry-go-round,
You strongly held Your handle
On Your ground!

True life eternal in You is found,
True Life supernal, in You I drown -
But, unworthy I'm
Of the dust of Your sandal
On Your ground!

D. Marbaniang, July 2010

The Inner Conflict - Thoughts on Psychology

From Lectures on Psychology

An important field of psychological research is the biology of behavior, also variously called physiological psychology, psychobiology, or biopsychology, whatever.

The theological problem is that the Bible doesn't accept that moral choices are physiologically determined. Determinism may form the basis of animal behavior, but not of man who is held morally responsible for his actions. Though, materialists may disagree, the argument connects to the factor of difference, namely the spirituality of man.

The inner conflict of Romans 7 is the conflict between the physiological determinant and the soul's incapability due to sin to obey God's law, an external factor not belonging to the cause-effect system of the flesh. Therefore, as long as we were in the flesh, the passions did what they would. However, the introduction of the Law posed the conflict because the soul finds itself in the bondage of the flesh, so knowledge conflicts with determinist animal passions. The battle is lost because of the bondage. However, the life of Christ frees us, because faith is the act by which, the causality sequence is broken and the transcedent Law is embraced through the Spirit of Christ...

Aham Se Uddhar - अहं से उद्धार

रविवार, जुलाई 11, 2010. पेंटिकॉस्‍टल चर्च, इटारसी
वक्‍ता: डॉ. डॉमिनिक मारबनियंग

''कुरियन थॉमस के चार दुश्‍मन हैं: संसार, शरीर, शैतान, और कुरियन थॉमस। आखिरी दुश्‍मन सब से खतरनाक हैं।'' -डॉ कुरियन थॉमस

कहा जाता है कि लंदन के टाईम मैगज़ीन ने एक बार ''संसार के साथ क्‍या समस्‍या है'' विषय पर कुछ लेख प्रकाशित किये थे। सब से लघु उत्‍तर विख्‍यात लेखक चेस्‍टरटन ने भेजा, और वह इस प्रकार था:

आदर्णीय सम्‍पादक महोदय,
आपके प्रश्‍न के संबंध में कि ''संसार के साथ क्‍या समस्‍या है'',

मै हुँ,

जी.के. चेस्‍टरटन

एक पादरी साहब रविवार सुबह के लिए संदेश बनाने में व्‍यस्‍त थे। तभी उनका बेटा आकर जिदद् करने लग गया कि ''आओ, पापा, मेरे साथ खेलो''। परेशान हो पिताजी ने एक विश्‍व के मानचित्र को 10 टुकडों में फाड़ कर बेटे को दिया और कहा कि ''जाओ इसे सही कर के लाओं।'' वे सोच रहे थे कि इस से बेटा व्‍यस्‍त हो जाएगा और उनको तैयारी का समय मिल जाएगा। लेकिन बेटा थोडी ही देर में लौट गया, और वह मानचित्र भी सही कर लाया था। चकित हो जब पिता ने पूछा किे वह इतना जलदी इसे कैसे ठीक कर दिया, तो बेटे ने उत्‍तर दिया ''सरल था: जब आप नक्‍शा फाड़ रहे थे तो मैने देखा कि पीछे एक मनुष्‍य का चित्र है। बस, मै समझ गया कि यदी मनुष्‍य को ठीक कर दिया जाए तो दुनिया भी ठीक हो जाएगा। सो, मैने मनुष्‍य को ठीक कर दिया तो दुनिया का नक्‍शा भी ठीक हो गया।''
पादरी साहब को अगले दिन के लिए संदेश मिल गया था।

मनुष्‍य ही समस्‍या है और वह अपना स्‍वयं का सबसे घातक शत्रु हैं।

मनुष्‍य स्‍वयं अपना ही इतना बडा शत्रु क्‍यों है ? आईए देखें:

1.क्‍योंकि वह पाप के हाथ बिका हुआ हैं। (रोम 7:14) – पाप उसका स्‍वामी है। वह जो चाहता है उसे नही कर पाता है, परन्‍तु जो नही चाहता है उसे ही कर बैठता है।
2.क्‍योंकि उस में कोई भी भली बात नही है। (रोम.7:18)– शिक्षा शायद मनुष्‍य को सभ्‍यता का वस्‍त्र पहना सकती है, परन्‍तु उसके स्‍वभाव को बदल नहीं सकती है।
एक क्‍वाज़ी के पास उसका मित्र अपनी समस्‍या बता रहा था। उसका बेटा बडा ही अनाज्ञाकारी था। क्‍वाज़ी ने सलाह दिया कि बेटे को अच्‍छी शिक्षा दी जाए। उसने अपनी ही बिल्‍ली का उदाहरण देते कहा कि ''देखो इसे, यदी इसे प्रशिक्षण नही दिए होते तो क्‍या यह ऐसा खामोश और शान्‍त बैठा रहता? हमने इसे हमारी आदेशों का पालन करना सिखाया।'' इस बुद्धिमानी के शाब्‍दों को सुनकर मित्र वापस लौटा। फिर कुछ वर्षों के बाद वह लौटा, तो क्‍वाज़ी ने बेटे का हाल पूछा। मित्र ने अपने साथा लाए एक छोटे से बक्‍से को खोल दिया, और तुरन्‍त उसमें से एक चूंहा छलांग लगाकर बाहर निकला। इसे देखकर बिल्‍ली से रहा नही गया। वह भी छलांग लगायी और उसके पीछे दौडने लगी। मित्र ने कहा ''क्‍यों, शिाक्षा तो सभ्‍य बनाती है, पर स्‍वभाव तो वैसे का वैसा ही है।'' कया इसमें कोई संदेह है कि संसार के शिक्षित वर्ग पाप और लालच से अछूता? हम इस बात को भली भांति जानते है। बिना ईश्‍वर की सहायता के कौन व्‍यक्ति
3.क्‍योंकि वह शारिरिक हैं और शरीर के कायों का गुलाम हैं (रोम.7:5)
4.कयोंकि उसका मन परमेश्‍वर का शत्रु हैं और वह परमेश्‍वर की व्‍यवस्‍था का आधीन नही हो सकता। (रोम.8:7)
5. क्‍योंकि वह अपने ही विरुद्ध में जंग करता हैं। (याकूब 4:1, 1पत. 2:11)
6.क्‍योकि वह अपने ही आप को समझने में गलती करता हैं और अहंकार या निराशा से अपने आप को घायल कर देता है। (यशयाह .14:12 में शैतान की यही समस्‍या थी- वह अहंकार से ग्रसित था।
7. क्‍योंकि वह मूर्खता और बावलापन से भरा हुआ है। (सभोपदेशक 9:3)
8.क्‍योकि उसका मन धोखा देने वाला मन है। (यर्म.17:9). वह मुझे गलत बातों को सही सोचने का भ्रम में डालता हैं।. ग्‍लास में नाचते लाल शराब मुझे विष के बदले प्रमोद प्रतीत होता है।.
9.क्‍योंकि उसका विवेक दूषित हो गया हैं और भलाई और बुराई मे सही फ़र्क नही बता पाता (तीतुस 1:15)
10.क्‍योंकि वह अपने आप से भाग नहीं पाता। आप जहा क‍ही जाएं आप अपने आप को वही पातें हैं। एक बालक अपने परछाई से भागता हुआ अपनी मां के पास गया और कहने लगा ''देखों न मां, यह पीछे पीछे आता है।'' क्‍या कोई अपनी ही परछाई से भाग सक है।
11.क्‍योंकि वह अपना ही विरोध करता है और एक विरोधक और असंगत जीवन शैली उत्‍पन्‍न करता है। (प्रेरित 18:6, तिम.2:25, KJV)

2 गलत मार्गें जिससे समस्‍या और जटिल हो जाती है:

1.बढ़प्‍पन: शक्ति, रुपैया, शान और शौकत, या धार्मिक प्रभाव की चेष्‍टा
2.बचावपन: नशीली पदार्थों की सेवन, गलत यौन सम्‍बंध, पार्टियां, शराब इत्‍यादी अपने आप से बचने के मार्ग

समस्‍या का समाधान केवल यीशु मसीह ही है।अपने देहधारण में उसने अपने आप को शून्‍य कर हमारे उद्धार के लिए मानव रूप धारण किया।
क्रूस पर पापों के बदले बलिदान देकर उसने हमें हमारी पापमय अवस्‍था से बचने का मार्ग तैयार किया।
मृतकों में से जी उठकर उसने हमें नया जीवन जीने का सामर्थ उपलब्‍ध कराया। सो जो मसीह में हैं वे नई सृष्टि हैं और उसके पुनुरुत्‍थान का सामर्थ उनमें विश्‍वास के द्वारा काम करता है।

जिस दशा में हम है, उसी दशा में वह हमसे प्‍यार करता है
जिस दशा में हम है, उसी दशा में वह हमें अपने पास बुलाता है।

Why Life?

JOB 3:23
"Why is life given to a man whose way is hidden..."

1. So that we may be crowned with glory
Psalm 8:5
2. So that we may be like His Son Jesus Christ
Romans 8:28,29
3. So that we may live a blameless life by the power of God
Eph.1:3,4; 2Peter 1:3
4. So that we may walk in the light of God, not as fools but as wise
John 8:12; Ephesians 5:14,15
5. So that we may show forth the praises of God.
1Peter 2:9 - Are you praising God for Who He is?
6. So that we may be one in the Spirit as Jesus and the Father are one
John 17:11; Ephesians 4:3, 15,16
7. So that we may seek God and worship only Him
Acts 17:25-28

Those who live in Christ and for Christ live life according to God's purpose
Those who die in Christ will be crowned with glory

Domenic Marbaniang, July 19, 2010

Outline of Theology


The Meaning of Theology
  • Theology is a study of Christian doctrine and faith. The Queen of sciences, Theology is an attempt towards a systematic exposition of and presentation of Christian doctrine.
  • The Need of Theology
  • For a clear understanding of faith
  • As a rational and articulate defense of faith (1Pe. 3:15)
  • For a systematic presentation of God's revealed truths (2Ti. 2:15)
  • As a guard against heresy and false teachings (Mt. 22:29; Gal. 1:6-9; 2Ti. 4:2-4)
  • For spiritual growth and maturity as Christians (Eph. 4:14).
Divisions of Theology
  • Biblical (Exegetical) Theology: Often studied as Old Testament Theology and New Testament Theology based on an exegesis of the Bible.
  • Historical Theology: Study of the origin and development of theological perspectives in the context of their historical background.
  • Systematic Theology: Systems of theology or systematic arrangement of a presentation of doctrines.
  • Practical Theology: Application of Theology. Disciplines: Homiletics, Pastoral Theology, Christian Education, Worship (Liturgies), Evangelism, Church Polity (Forms of Church Organization and Government).
Different Theologies
  • Roman Catholic Theology – Authority of the Bible (includes Apocrypha) and the Pope's authoritative pronouncements ex cathedra (from the chair); saving grace communicated through the 7 sacraments; and Mary is merciful mediator between man and Christ.
  • Lutheran Theology – The 3 fundamental doctrines are sola scriptura (Scripture alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and sola fide (faith alone). Scripture alone is authoritative and salvation comes only by grace through faith. The Spirit uses an infant baptism to produce faith in them and bring them to salvation.
  • Reformed Theology - built around the central theme of the sovereignty of God. Sola scriptura, the sole authority of Scripture in matters of doctrine. Total depravity of all men, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistable grace, Perseverance of saints.
  • Arminian Theology – tries to preserve justice (fairness) of God. God's sovereignty along with human responsibility and freedom. Conditional election (predestination on basis of foreknowledge).
  • Wesleyan Theology – is essentially Arminian but has a stronger sense of the reality of sin and of dependence on divine grace. The ultimate standard for faith and practice is the Bible. Four means by which truth is mediated: Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience. Salvation is a 3-step process of grace: prevenient grace, justifying grace, and sanctifying grace. Prevenient grace keeps one from straying very far, and enables one to respond to the gospel. Justifying grace produces salvation in those who respond positively. Entire sanctification or perfection in love is the Holy Sprit's second work of grace.
  • Liberal Theology – Immanency of God. Unitarianism. Fallibility of Bible. Denial of Fall, original sin, and substitutionary nature of the Atonement. Christ will not personally return.
  • Existential Theology – 'Demythologizing' of Scripture – interprets everything supernatural as mythical. A statement about God is basically a statement about man. The Trinity is a myth. The historical Jesus is not very much known. Salvation is self-realization.
  • Neo-orthodox Theology – Hermeneutical. God cannot be known through proofs but only through encounter in revelation. Natural revelation, if it exists, is ineffective towards salvation. Revelation is personal not propositional. The Bible is human and fallible and is reliable only to the extent that God reveals himself through encounters with Scripture. Historicity of Scripture is unimportant.
  • Liberation Theology – Theology is not dogmatic but liberative. God is immanent and mutable, the God of the oppressed. Jesus was a messiah of political involvement. The Bible is not concerned with eternal truths but with specific history (often unreliable). The Exodus account proclaims liberation. Salvation is social change.
  • Feminist Theology – 3 Models: Rejectionists – reject Bible as patriarchal; Evangelical – The Bible teaches mutual submission and roles of women and men are complementary; Reformist (Liberation) – Discards Bible and Christian tradition as patriarchal and desires to overcome it through 'proper' exegesis.
  • Pentecostal Theology – Emphasis on the infallibility and finality of Scripture, salvation by grace, the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, restoration of the five-fold ministry in the Church, the gifts of the Spirit, baptism by immersion, holiness, prayer and fasting, evangelism of the world, spiritual warfare, and return of Christ.


I. Revelation
Strong: {ἀποκάλυψις}
  • a laying bare, making naked
  • a disclosure of truth, instruction
    -concerning things before unknown
    -used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all
  • manifestation, appearance (Strong)
General Revelation: Psa. 19:1-3; Acts 14:15-17; Rom. 1:18-20.
Special Revelation: Concerned with the redemptive plan of God. Special revelation is both personal and propositional.

Bible: The Written Word. All historical information (genealogies, covenants, law, events), literature (prose, poetry), prophecy, exposition (e.g, epistles) connected with and necessary for the complete understanding of the redemptive plan of God that He desires and intends us to have.

Visions, Dreams, Prophetic Word. Must accord with the Written Word (Gal. 1:8-9).

The Lord Jesus Christ: The Finality of the Revelation of God (Heb. 1:2-3)

Illumination: The Holy Spirit's revelation of the rhema to the human spirit, whereby man comes to an understanding of the Truth and responds to it through the help of the Holy Spirit's gift of faith. The subjective aspect of Revelation. This illumination accords with the totality of the Written Word and the Finality of Revelation in Christ (Jn. 14:26; Jn. 16:15). Necessary (1Co. 2:11).

II. The Purpose of Writing (Woodrow Kroll)
  • Precision: The Bible records the exact words in which God wanted to communicate with us.
  • Propagation: The written word spreads the message.
  • Preservation: The words are preserved in writing.
III. The Reliability of Bible
  • Historical Veracity
  • Prophetical Accuracy
  • Textual Authenticity
  • Pragmatic – It works when put to practice.
  • Scientific Accuracy
  • Philosophical Consistency.
IV. Inspiration

Theories of Inspiration
  • Mechanical or Dictation: The biblical author is a passive instrument in the transmission of the revelation of God. His personality is set aside to prevent its fallible intrusion.
  • Partial Inspiration: Only doctrines unknowable to the human authors are inspired. God revealed ideas which the writers penned in their own words.
  • Degrees of Inspiration: Certain portions of Bible are more or differently inspired than other portions.
  • Intuition or Natural Inspiration: Gifted individuals with exceptional insight were chosen by God to write the Bible. Inspiration is like an artistic ability or a natural endowment.
  • Illumination or Mystical Inspiration: Human authors were enabled by God to write the Scriptures. The H.S. heightened their normal powers.
  • Verbal, Plenary Inspiration: Both divine and human elements are present in the production of Scripture. The entire text of Scripture, including the very words, are a product of the mind of God expressed in human terms and conditions.
2Ti. 3:16 (Theopneustos): God-breathed

Neither mechanical nor dictational inspiration but organic; i.e, the personality of the writers was involved. The writers were Spirit-borne, led, moved (Phero) (2Pe. 1:21)

The inspiration is verbal; i.e., it extends to the words and not just the ideas.
The inspiration is plenary; i.e., full –"All scripture…" equally.

V. Infallibility: It is open to verification and falsification and is entirely perfect in its communication of the revealed Truth.

VI. Inerrancy: It contains no errors. Complete Inerrancy: The Bible is fully true in all it teaches or affirms. Other Views: Limited Inerrancy: Inerrant in salvific doctrines; Teleological Inerrancy: Inerrant in accomplishing its purpose of reconciling man to God; Irrelevancy: The doctrine is irrelevant; the spirit or purpose of Bible should be considered.

VII. The Bible is eternal and complete.

VIII. Canon: Lit. measuring rod, rule. Canonicity, canonical, canonize.
This word is derived from a Hebrew and Greek word denoting a reed or cane. Hence it means something straight, or something to keep straight; and hence also a rule, or something ruled or measured. It came to be applied to the Scriptures, to denote that they contained the authoritative rule of faith and practice, the standard of doctrine and duty. (Easton's Bible Dictionary).

5-fold Criteria: Authorship (Prophet, Apostle, Holy Man), Local Church Acceptance, Recognition by Church Fathers, Subject matter (Sound Doctrine), Personally edifying.

The OT canon is accepted as accepted by Christ and the apostles. The NT canon is accepted on the basis of apostolic authorship and recognition of the same by Church Fathers.

During the 3rd Council of Carthage (AD. 397) 27 NT Books were declared canonical. St. Athanasius (AD 297-373) in his 39th Paschal letter (AD 367), listed the books of the NT as we know them.

VIII. Symbols of it used in the Bible
  • Sword (Heb. 4:12) 
  • Hammer (Jer. 23:29) 
  • Seed (1Pe. 1:23) 
  • Mirror (Jas. 1:23-25)
  • Fire (Jer. 23:29; Jer. 20:9) 
  • Lamp (Psa. 119:105) 
  • Food (1Pe. 2:2) 
  • Water (Eph. 5:25-27) 
  • Milk (1Pe. 2:2) 
  • Meat (Heb. 5:12) 
  • Bread (Mt. 4:4) 
  • Silver (Psa. 12:6)
IX. Other Names
  • The Lord's Book (Isa. 34:16)
  • The Book of Truth (Dan. 10:21)
  • Scriptures (Jn. 10:35; Mt. 21:42)
  • Holy Scriptures (Rom. 1:2)
  • Sacred Books (Dan. 9:2; Heb. 10:7)
  • The Oracles of God (Rom. 3:2)
  • The Word of God (Heb. 4:12)
  • The Living Oracles of God (Acts 7:38)

X. The Bible Influences our: Thinking, Living, Values, Destiny.
XI. The Bible has Authority over: Human Wisdom, The Church, Our Experience, The Christian.


I. The Existence of God
Arguments: From cause-effect (cosmological argument), from design-designer (teleological argument).

II. The Nature of God
Westminster Catechism: "God is Spirit, Infinite, Eternal, and Unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth."

III. Attributes of God

God's Inner Nature (Unrelated Attributes)
  • Spirit (Jn. 4:24) 
  • Infinite – Immense in relation to space (1Ki. 8:27), Eternal in relation to time (Exo. 15:18; Deut. 33:27) 
  • One (Exo. 20:3; Deut. 4:35,39; 1Sa. 2:2; 1Ti. 1:17)
God in Relation to the Universe (Active Attributes) –
  • Omnipotent (Gen. 1:1; Gen. 17:1; Job. 40:2; Amos 4:13; Mt. 19:26) 
  • Omnipresent (Gen. 28:15-16; Psa. 139:7-10) 
  • Omniscient (Gen. 18:18-19); 2Ki. 8:10-13; Jer. 1:4-5; Rom. 8:27-29; 1Pe. 1:2) 
  • Wise (Psa. 104:24; Prov. 3:19; Jer. 10:12; Dan. 2:20-21; Col. 2:2-3) 
  • Sovereign (Dan. 4:35; Mt. 20:15; Rom. 9:21)
God in Relation to Moral Creatures (Moral Attributes) 
  • Holy (Exo. 15:11; Lev. 11:44-45; Rev. 4:8)
  • Righteous (Ezr. 9:15; Psa. 116:5; Rev. 16:15)
  • Faithful (Exo. 34:6; Mic. 7:20; 2Ti. 2:13; Rev. 15:3) 
  • Merciful (Tit. 3:5; Psa. 32:5)
  • Love (Deut. 7:8; Jn. 3:16; 1Jo. 4:9-10) 
  • Good (Psa. 25:8; Psa. 85:5; Acts 14:17)


I. Essential Element s of Trinity
  • God is One.
  • Each of the persons within the Godhead is Deity.
  • The oneness of God and the threeness of God are not contradictions.
  • The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is eternal.
  • Each of the persons of God is of the same essence and is not inferior or superior to the others in essence.
  • The Trinity is a mystery which we will never be able to understand fully.
II. Natural Illustrations 1x1x1=1 (Nathan Wood)
  • Length x Breadth x Height = Space
  • Energy x Motion x Phenomenon = Matter
  • Future x Present x Past = Time
  • Space x Matter x Time = Universe
  • Nature x Person x Personality = Man
III. Philosophical Rationality of Trinity
  • Provides the rational-eternal basis for moral categories - If God was a not a Trinity, then categories such as love, joy, and goodness couldn't be absolute.
  • Provides the rational-empirical basis for epistemic categories - if God was not a Trinity, then the knowledge as a subject-object relationship, as analytic-synthetic distinction, and Truth as such couldn't find an original ground.
  • Provides the relational basis for interpersonal relationships. Therefore, Christ could pray regarding His disciples, "that they may be one, as We are" (Jn. 17:11).
  • Provides the metaphysical ground for a pluralist reality, and unity in diversity of the uni-verse.
III. Scriptural Proofs
Deut. 6:4; Psa. 2:7; Heb. 1:13; Psa. 68:18; Isa. 6:1-3; Isa. 9:6; Gen. 1:2; 1Ti. 1:17; 1Co. 8:4-6; 1Pe. 1:2; Jn. 1:17; Phil. 2:11; Mt. 3:16-17; Acts 5:3-4

IV. False Views of Trinity
  • Unitarianism – Father is creator, Son is creature, Spirit is impersonal.
  • Sabellianism – (Modalism) Father (OT), Son (NT), Spirit (Present).
  • Tritheism – Father, Son, and H.S. are three distinct gods.


I. Nature
  • The Son of God – Deity
  • The Word – Preexistence & Activity
  • Lord - Sovereignty
  • The Son of Man – Humanity
  • The Christ – Official Title and Mission
  • Son of David – Royal Lineage
II. Offices
  • Prophet – Mk. 6:15; Jn. 4:19; Jn. 6:14; Jn. 9:17
  • Priest – Heb. 2:14-16; Heb. 8:3; Eph. 1:6
  • King – Gen. 14:18-19; Heb. 7:1-3; Psa. 110:1-4; Zec. 6:13
III. Work 
Mt. 1:21; Jn. 1:29; 1Co. 15:1-3

IV. The 2nd Person
Co-Eternal, Co-Substantial, Co-Equal With Each Of The Person Of Trinity (Nicea 345 AD)
Christ's Two Natures: Unmixed, Unchanged, Undivided, Inseparable. (Chalcedon 451 AD)

V. Christological Heresies (in bold, acceptable)
  • Ebionism Denied deity and pre-existence of Christ.
  • Docetism Denied His humanity; affirmed His deity; Jesus appeared human but was really divine.
  • Arianism Denied deity; Christ was the first and highest created being homoiousia, not homoousia. He is subordinate to the Father.
  • Appolinarianism Denied human spirit of Jesus. The divine Logos took the place of the human mind. Affirmed Christ's deity and real humanness (not complete humanness).
  • Nestorianism Denied union of natures, the unity of Christ's person. The union was moral, not organic-thus two persons. The human was completely controlled by the divine. Distinguished human Jesus, who died, from Divine Son, who cannot die.
  • Eutychianism Denied distinction of natures; monophysitist; the human nature was swallowed by the divine to create a new third nature. Maintained the unity of Christ's person.
VI. Kenosis – Phil. 2:7: Lit. to empty oneself, KJV: 'made himself of no reputation,' i.e., to take the form of servant, of man. The context means that Christ being chose to stoop down to live a life of a servant, and being tested and found obedient in all, is now exalted above all creatures as the One in whom the will of God is finally accomplished; He is the embodiment and finality of divine will; and, therefore, worthy of rulership and judgment. Christ lost neither the divine consciousness nor the divine attributes, neither did he withdraw from divine activity in the kenotic event.

Other Kenotic Theories
  • Christ emptied Himself of Divine Nature.
  • Christ emptied Himself of Eternal Form (which He exchanged for a temporal one).
  • Christ emptied Himself of relative attributes, namely omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
  • Christ emptied Himself of the integrity of infinite divine existence. The Logos became assumed dual consciousness at incarnation: the divine continued apart from the human, while the human was unaware of the cosmic functions of Deity.
  • Christ emptied Himself of divine activity by turning over all His duties to the Father.
  • Christ emptied Himself of the actual exercise of divine prerogatives. He retained His divine consciousness but renounced the conditions of infinity and its form.
Sub-Kenotic Theories
  • Christ emptied Himself of the use of divine attributes though possessing them. He chose not to use them.
  • Christ emptied Himself of the independent exercise of the divine attributes. He worked in submission to the Father.
  • Christ emptied Himself of the insignia of Majesty, the prerogatives of deity, the outward form of deity.

VII. The Person of Christ

1. Preincarnate
  • Pre-existence (Jn. 1:1; 1Jo. 1:1; Jn. 17:5). 
  • Participation in creation (Gen. 1:26; Prov. 8:30; Col. 1:15; Jn. 1:3; Col. 1:16; 1Co. 8:6). 
  • Christophanies (Gen.18,19; Hos.1:7; Gen.22,31; Exo. 3:2; Exo. 14:19; Num. 22:22; Judg.6).
2. Divine Nature
  • Divine Attributes (eternal- Jn. 1:1; Jn. 8:58; Jn. 17:5; omnipresent- Mt. 28:20; Eph. 1:23; omniscient- Jn.16:30;21:17; omnipotent- Jn.5:19; immutable- Heb. 1:12; Heb. 13:8)
  • Divine Offices (Creator- Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Sustainer- Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3) 
  • Divine Prerogatives (forgives sin – Mt. 9:2; Luk. 7:47; raises dead- Jn. 5:25; Jn. 11:25; executes judgement- Jn. 5:22)
  • Identified with OT YHWH - I AM (Jn. 8:58; Jn. 12:41; Jn. 8:24; Jn. 8:50-58) 
  • Divine Names (Alpha & Omega-Rev. 22:13; I AM –Jn. 8:58; Immanuel- Mt. 1:22; Lord-Mt. 7:21; Son of God- Jn. 10:36; God- Jn. 1:1; 2Pe. 1:1; Tit. 2:13; 1Jo. 5:20)
  • Divine Relations (Image of God- Col. 1:15; Hb.1:3; One with Father- Jn. 10:30)
  • Accepts Divine Worship (Mt. 14:33; Mt. 28:9; Jn. 20:28-29). Claims to be God (Jn.8:58; Jn. 10:30; Jn. 17:5 – in such case, He is either liar, lunatic, or the Lord that He claims to be, but never can be regarded as merely a good moral teacher)
3. Human Nature 
  • Human Birth (Mt. 1:18; Mt. 2:11)
  • Human Development (Luk. 2:50-52)
  • Essential Elements of Human Nature (Human body – Mt. 26:12; Jn. 2:21; Reason & will – Mt. 26:38; Mk. 2:8)
  • Human Names (Jesus -Mt. 1:21; Son of Man- Mt. 8:20; Mt. 11:18; Son of Abraham- Mt. 1:1; Son of David- Mt.1:1)
  • Sinless Infirmities of Human Nature (weariness-Jn. 4:6; hunger- Mt. 4:2; Mt. 21:18; thirst- Jn. 19:28; temptation- Mt. 4; Heb. 2:18).
  • Repeatedly Called a Man (Jn. 1:30; Jn. 4:9; Jn. 10:38)
4. Union of Natures
  • Theanthropic – The person of Christ is theanthropic; He has two natures, divine and human, in one person.
  • Personal – Hypostatic union, constituting one personal substance: two natures but one person. 
  • Includes the Human and Divine Qualities and Acts – Both the human and divine qualities and acts may be ascribed to Christ under either of His natures. 
  • Constant Presence of Both Humanity and Divinity- His natures cannot be separated.
5. Character 
  • Absolutely Holy - His human nature was created holy (Luk. 1:35); He committed no sin (1Pe. 2:22); He always pleased the Father (Jn. 2:22)
  • Possesses Genuine Love (Laid down His life – Jn. 15:13; His love surpasses all knowledge- Eph. 3:19) 
  • Truly Humble (Phil. 2:5-8) 
  • Meek (Mt. 11:29) 
  • Balanced – 'He was grave without being melancholy. He was joyful without being frivolous.' 
  • Prayerful (Mt. 14:23; Luk. 6:12) 
  • Incessant Worker (Jn. 5:17; Jn. 9:4)
  • Stern (Mt. 16:33; Mt. 23:13-36). Wise (Mt. 22:19; Jn. 2:24; Jn. 7:1)
  • Compassionate (Mt. 14:14; Mt. 15:32; Mt. 20:34)
VIII. Impeccability of Christ

Definitions: Peccability – Christ could sin; Impeccability – Christ could not sin. Questions: If Jesus could not sin, how could He be truly human? Vs. If Jesus could sin, how could He be truly divine?

Points of Agreement: Christ's temptations were real (Heb. 4:15); Christ experienced struggle (Mt. 26:36-46); Christ did not sin (2Co. 5:21; Heb. 7:26; Jas. 5:6; 1Pe. 2:22; 1Pe. 3:18).

Conclusion – Impeccability : Temptation implies possibility of sin in general (humans) but not in specific (Christ). For instance, the testing of gold implies the possibility of things not being gold in general, but not the possibility of pure gold not being pure gold. The end of testing gold is to distinguish true gold from false gold. Thus, Christ's not falling in sin proves He could not sin. Since, Jesus is God and sin is rebellion against God, Jesus could not sin, for it is impossible for Him to rebel against Himself, unless His omniscience and omnipotence were brought into question. Thus, being human, He was tempted, but being divine and undivided in His moral nature, He was essentially holy and so could not sin.


I. Nature

  • Spirit of God – Person, Executive of the Godhead
  • Spirit of CHRIST. Rom. 8:9 – Sent in Christ's Name (Jn.14:26; Jn. 16:14; Mt. 18:20; Rom. 8:9-10)
  • Comforter – Jn. 14-17
  • Holy Spirit of the Holy One. Sanctification
  • Holy Spirit of the Promise – Luk. 24:49; Eze. 36:27; Gal. 3:14
  • Spirit of Truth – Jn. 14:17
  • Spirit of Glory – 1Pe. 4:14
  • Spirit of Grace – Heb. 10:29
  • Spirit of Wisdom & Knowledge Isa. 11:2
  • Spirit of Life – Rom. 8:2; Rev. 11:11
  • Spirit of Adoption – Rom. 8:13
  • Fire – Isa. 4:4; Mt. 3:11
  • Wind – Eze. 37:7-10; Jn. 3:8; Acts 2:2
  • Water – Eze. 17:6; Jn. 3:5; Jn. 4:14; Jn. 7:38,39
  • Seal – Eph. 1:13; 2Ti. 2:19
  • Oil - Psa. 92:10; Luk. 4:18; Acts 10:38; 1Jo. 2:20
  • Dove– Mt. 3:16-17
II. Personality
  • 3rd person of the Godhead – Mt. 3:16-17; Jn. 14:16
  • Has knowledge – Isa. 11:2; Rom. 8:27
  • Has feeling – Isa. 63:10; Eph. 4:30
  • Has will – 1Co. 12:11
III. Attributes
  • Is Divine (Acts 5:3-4)
  • Eternal (Heb. 9:14)
  • Omnipresent (Psa. 139:7)
  • Omniscient (Jn. 14:26; Jn. 16:13)
IV. Works
  • Active in Creation (Gen. 1:2; Job. 33:4; Psa. 104:30)
  • Inspired the Bible Writers (2Pe. 1:21)
  • Empowered the conception of Christ (Luk. 1:35)
  • Convicts of sin (Jn. 16:8; Gen. 6:3)
  • Regenerates (Jn. 3:5-6)
  • Counsels (Jn. 14:16-17; Jn. 16:7-14)
  • Brings assurance of salvation (Rom. 8:15)
  • Teaches or enlightens (Jn. 16:12-14; 1Co. 2:13)
  • Aids in prayer (Rom. 8:26-27)
  • Resurrected Christ (Rom. 8:11; 1Pe. 3:18)
  • Calls to service (Acts 13:4)
  • Seals the elect's salvation (Rom. 8:23; 2Co. 1:21-22; Eph. 1:13-14; Eph. 4:30)
  • Indwells the believer (Rom. 8:19; 1Co. 3:16-17; 1Co. 6:19)
  • Works in the church (1Co. 12:7-11)
V. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • It's a promise of the Father (Acts 1:3).
  • It's a promise of Jesus (Jn. 16).
  • Baptizer – Jesus Christ (Mt. 3:11)
  • Initial Sign – Speaking in Tongues (Acts2, 10)
  • Meaning – Anointing, Filling, Being immersed
  • Results – Power, boldness, guidance, miracles, gifts of the Spirit
  • Means – Faith (Gal. 3:14), Laying of Hands (Act 8)
  • Prerequisites – Salvation, Desire, Prayer, Expectancy, Water Baptism
VI. Gifts of the Spirit (1 Co. 12)
  • Gifts of Power – Faith, Healing, Miracles
  • Gifts of Knowledge – Word of Kn. W/Wisdom, Discern./spirits
  • Gifts of Speech – Tongues, Interpretation, Prophecy
VII. Fruit of Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)

VIII. Offences Against the Spirit
  • Resisting the Spirit (Acts 7:51)
  • Insulting the Spirit (Heb. 10:29)
  • Blaspheming (Mt. 12:31-32)
  • Grieving (Eph. 4:30-31)
  • Lying (Acts 5:3)
  • Quenching (1Th. 5:19).


I. Theories of Creation
Evolutionism, Deism, Dualism, Non-Dualism, Polytheism, Pantheism, Materialism, Panentheism.

II. Origin of Creation
  • The Six Days of Creation (Gen. 1, 2; Exo. 20:11)
  • False Views: Gap Theory, Progressive Creationism, & Theistic Evolutionism- None of them have support from traditional hermeneutical history nor explicit Biblical support (except recourse to jumble of words and out-of-context interpretations) nor authoritative support from scientific discoveries or theories.
  • Creatio ex nihilo – Creation out of nothing (Heb. 11:3). The world, therefore, is basically nothing in itself and by itself.
  • Free Creation – God didn't create the world out of necessity, but of His own free and sovereign will.
  • Creation of Darkness – Darkness is not co-eternal with God and, therefore, a created reality (Isa. 45:7).
  • Creation of Space-time- God is not contained by space, neither does He move in time; space and time are physical dimensions (conditions) of material objects and are part of creation. It is, therefore, false to conceptualize a temporal God. Creation of Time (Psa. 90:2 – 'or ever thou hadst formed {Hb. Chul- to rotate, spin} the earth and the world').
  • Creation of Life- biological (flora and fauna). Unconscious and world-conscious creation.
  • Creation of Humans- rational, moral, volitional, spiritual. Self-conscious and God-conscious.
III. Nature of Creation
  • Spatio-Temporality: Linear Time; Space & Time are physical dimensions.
  • Contingency: Dependent on God
  • Plurality
  • Finitude
  • Uniformity: The Laws Of Nature
  • Open – the universe is not a closed system but open, and so miracles are possible.
IV. Purpose of Creation (Three Views)
  • Anthropo-centricity – Man is at the center of creation and all is for him, the view of humanism.
  • Eco-centricity – Life (flora & fauna) is at the center of creation and eco-balance is necessary for sustenance of earth as habitat of life.
  • Christo-centricity – Christ is the center of creation and all is by Him, through Him, and for Him (Col. 1:16), 'that in all things He might have the pre-eminence' (Col. 1:18), to bring all things under the headship of Christ (Eph. 1:10).
V. Man's Relation to Creation
  • Man is to have dominion over the earth (Gen. 1:26; Psa. 115:16)
  • Man is steward of God's creation (Gen. 2:5,15)
  • After Fall, nature turned hostile to man (Gen. 3:18)
  • Man was to rule by fear and violence; the age of innocence had ceased (Gen. 9:2-3)
Non-biblical Relations
  • Pantheism – Man is equal to all creation.
  • Asceticism – Physical world is man's enemy.
  • Utilitarianism – Man exploits nature.
VI. Divine Providence – The doctrine that God has not only created the world but also sustains it.
  • God is the reason behind the uniformity of the laws of nature (Job 38).
  • God rules over the world and controls its processes by wisdom and power (Job. 38:41; 39; Exo. 3:20; Job. 9:10; Psa. 77:14).
VII. Problem of Evil – Theodicy – If God is both powerful and good then why is there evil in the world?
  • Non-dualism – Evil is an illusion.
  • Pantheism – Evil is part of the world.
  • Dualism – Good and Evil and two eternal forces.
  • Evolutionism – Evil is part of the struggle for existence.
The Biblical Answer – Evil is the result of Adam's disobedience, whereby sin and death entered the world, sicknesses and demonic forces ran rampant ravaging human lives. God's answer is Christ by whom evil is conquered and the Kingdom of righteousness inaugurated. This is done through the , whereby men are saved, and finalized at the second coming when salvation will be complete and justice fully dealt.


I. Nature of Angels
  • Creatures (Rev. 19:10; Rev. 22:8-9; Col. 2:18)
  • Spirits (Heb. 1:14)
  • Immortal (Luk. 20:34-36)
  • Numerous (Dan. 7:10; Mt. 26:53; Luk. 2:13; Heb. 12:22)
  • Sexless (Lk. 20:34-35)
II. Classification (1Pe. 3:22; Col. 1:16; Eph. 1:20-21)
  • The Angel of the Lord (Exo. 23:20-23, 32,34; Isa. 63:9)
  • The Archangel: Michael (Jud. 1:9, Rev. 12:7); Gabriel (Luk. 1:19; Dan. 8:16; Dan. 9:21)
  • Elect Angels – Stood true during Satan's rebellion (1Ti. 5:21)
  • Angels of the Nations (Dan. 10:13,20; Eph. 3:10; Col. 2:15)
  • Cherubim – Connected with God's retributive (Gen. 3:24) and redemptive purposes (Exo. 25:22)
  • Seraphim – 'Burning Ones' (Isa. 6)
III. Character
  • Obedient (Psa. 103:20; Jud. 1:6; 1Pe. 3:22)
  • Reverent (Neh. 9:6; Heb. 1:6)
  • Wise (2Sa. 14:17; 1Ki. 8:39; 1Pe. 1:12)
  • Meek (2Pe. 2:11; Jud. 1:9)
  • Mighty (Psa. 103:20)
  • Holy (Rev. 14:10)
IV. Work
  • God's Agents – Executors of God's decree of judgments (Gen. 3:24; Mt. 13:39-41, 49; 2Ki. 19:35; Acts 12:23)
  • God's Messengers (angels) – (Lk. 11:20; Mt. 1:20,21; Gen. 28:12; Rev. 1:1)
  • God's Servants (Heb. 1:14; Mt. 4:11; Gen. 16:7; Psa. 103:20)
V. Classification 2
  • Ministering Spirits
  • Warring Angels
  • Worshipping Angels
  • Messenger Angels



I. Origin (Isa. 14:12-15; Eze. 28:12-19)

II. Character
  • Adversary (Satan)
  • Slanderer (Devil)
  • Destroyer (Apollyon)
  • Serpent
  • Tempter
  • Prince and God of this world (Jn. 12:31; 2Co. 4:4, 1Jo. 5:19; 1Jo. 2:16)
  • Father of lies (Jn. 8:44)
  • Wicked one (Mt. 13:19)
III. Activities
A. Nature
  • Opposes God's work (1Th. 2:18; Mt. 13:19; 2Co. 4:4)
  • Snares the wicked (Luk. 22:3; Rev. 20:7-8)
  • Presumptuous (Mt. 4:4-5);
  • Proud (1Ti. 3:6)
  • Powerful (Eph. 2:2);
  • Malignant (Job. 2:4)
  • Subtle (Gen. 3:1; 2Co. 11:3)
  • Deceitful (Eph. 6:11)
  • Fierce and Cruel (1Pe. 5:8)
  • Can cause physical illness (Job. 2:7)
B. Sphere – Highest Circles (Eph. 2:2)
C. Motives – Intent on our ruin (Jn. 10:10)
D. Limitations – Only with God's permission – Time Limited (Rev. 12:12)
E. Destiny – (Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12:9; Rev. 20:10; Mt. 25:41)


Gr. Daimon, daimonion – fallen spirits

I. Description
  • Angels who fell with Satan (Mt. 12:24)
  • Divided into two groups: one group is active in opposing God's people (Rev. 9:14; Rev. 16:14) and another is confined in prison (2Pe. 2:4; Jud. 1:6)
  • Iintelligent (Mk. 1:24) 
  • Know their doom (Mt. 8:29) 
  • Have their own doctrine (1Ti. 4:1-3)
II. Pictures
  • Scavenger Birds (Rev. 18:1-2) – unclean and dirty
  • Frogs (Rev. 16:13-14) –living in dark regions
  • Locusts and Scorpions (Rev. 9:2-3,7-10) –torturing men
  • Serpents and Vipers (Luk. 3:7) – totally, morally depraved in character
III. Activities
  • Seek to hinder God's plan (Dan. 10:10-14; Rev. 16:13-16)
  • Inflict illnesses (Mt. 9:33; Luk. 13:11-16)
  • Possess animals (Mk. 5:13)
  • Promote false doctrine (1Ti. 4:1)
  • Influence nations (Isa.14; Eze.28; Dan. 10:13; Rev. 16:13-14)
  • Possess unbelievers (Mt. 9:32-33; Mt. 10:18; Mk. 6:13)
IV. Limitations
  • Limited by place like unfallen angels (Mt. 17:18; Mk. 9:25)
  • Are used by God for His purposes when He desires (1Sa. 16:14; 2Co. 12:7)
  • May be expelled and return back to the one from who exorcised (Luk. 11:24-26)
V. Destiny: Will be cast along with Satan into lake of fire forever (Mt. 25:41).

VI. Expelling Demons
  • As a believer, you have Christ-given authority to cast demons (Mt. 10:1,8; Mk. 16:17). It is Christ's power, not yours. You're only safe in Christ.
  • Christ cast them out by the Spirit of God (Mt.12:28).
  • Prayer, fasting and total submission to God is required (Mk. 9:29; Jas. 4:7).
  • Pray for the gift of discerning the spirits (1Co. 12:10).
  • Do not talk with demons, as a general rule (Mk. 1:24). They are deceivers.
  • Cast them out in the Name of Jesus (Acts 16:18).
  • Do not close your eyes when casting out demons: you are commanding, not praying; demons are sometimes seen to be physically violent (Mt. 17:15; Acts 19:15,16).
  • Do not allow the demon to weaken your faith in God, His Word, and the power of Christ's Holy Spirit.
  • In every deliverance session, there must be order and discipline among the servants of God; let one minister in authority while the rest back him/her in prayer.
  • All amulets, charms, fetishes, and occultic objects must be removed before any deliverance can take place. The possession of such things provide strongholds for demonic oppression. (Acts 19:19).
  • The delivered must be guided into confession, repentance, belief, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit to avoid serious consequences of demonic return (Mt. 12:44,45). A life of holiness and keeping in the will of God is imperative (1Jo. 5:18).

VII. Can Believers be Demon-Possessed?
  • A believer can never be demon-possessed since his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and has no room for demons (1Cor.6:19; 1Cor.10:21).
  • Christians must guard themselves against demonic wisdom (Jas. 3:13-16; Acts 5:1-4; 1Ti. 4:1-5).
  • Christians must be sober-minded, watch and pray (1Pe. 5:8).
  • Christians must resist the devil being steadfast in faith (1Pe. 5:9; Jas. 4:7) by the blood of Christ and obedience to God's Word (Rev. 12:11; Mt. 4:4). Know that Jesus is with you (Mt. 28:20).
  • Do not give place to the devil. Watch your words, temper, actions, and relationships (Eph. 4:26,27; 2Co. 2:10,11).
  • Live a Spirit-filled life (Luk. 4:1,14; Jud. 1:20-23; Eph. 6:10ff).


I. Origin Gen. 1, 2

II. Nature
  • Body – 2Co. 5:1; Dan. 7:15 Matter, Senses, Instinct - World Consciousness
  • Soul – Intellect, Will, Emotion - Self-Consciousness
  • Spirit – Num. 16:22; Num. 27:16 Intuition, Conscience, Communion - God-Consciousness
III. Imago Dei
  • Kinship with God
  • Moral Character
  • Reason
  • Capacity for Immortality
  • Dominion over the Earth
At Fall the image of God in man has been marred but not erased (Gen. 9:6; 1Co. 11:7; Jas. 3:9). Man has not lost his freedom of will and power of reasoning. However, they have been severely depraved by sin. Therefore, without the work of the Holy Spirit no man can be saved. No man can climb uphill to God (Ex. 20:26). God, in Christ, and through the Spirit, meets man where he is and reconciles him to Himself (Rom. 5:8; Gal. 5:16; 1Co. 12:3).

IV. Original Sin
  • Pelagianism – Man's soul is created by God at birth and so is free from hereditary corruption.
  • Arminianism – Man receives from Adam a corrupted nature but does not receive Adam's guilt. This nature is corrupted physically and intellectually, but not volitionally. Prevenient grace enables man to believe.
  • Calvinism – 2 Views: Federal Headship (creationist view of origin of the soul) – The individual receives the physical nature from parents. God creates each soul. Adam was representative of all humanity and thus, when he sinned all humanity sinned. Natural Headship (traducianist view of origin of soul-Augustine) – The individual receives the physical nature and the soul from the parents. Thus, all people were present in Adam in germinal or seminal form. Each individual participates in the sin of Adam. Thus, each individual inherits Adam's sin.
Conclusion: Humanity suffers death as physically (naturally) born of Adam (natural headship); Christians receive eternal life as a gift, by faith, being born, not physically but, spiritually (spiritual headship of Christ) (1Co. 15:45-50; Jn. 1:13; Jn. 3:5,6; 1Pe. 1:23).


I. Atonement in Old Testament

Origin of Sacrifice
  • Ordained in Heaven. Rev. 13:8; Exo. 12:3,6; 1Pe. 1:19,20; Tit. 1:2; Acts 2:23
  •  Instituted on Earth. Gen.3; Rev. 5:6-10
Mosaic Sacrifices – Law
OT Sacrifices good; NT Sacrifices CHRIST – Better (Heb. 10:17,18)

II. Atonement in New Testament
  • Atonement 'to cover' (Heb. Kaphar; Gk. Katallage) – Exchange, reconciliation, ransom, substitute, covering. (Jer. 18:23; Isa. 6:7; Psa. 32:1)
  • Propitiation 'removal of wrath' Rom. 3.25; removal of enmity, Expiation – removal of sins
  • Substitution Isa. 53:5; 2Co. 5:21; 1Pe. 2:24
  • Redemption 'buy back by payment, release from bondage by paying a price' (Mt. 20:28; Rev. 5:9; Rev. 14:3,4; Gal. 3:13; Gal. 4:5; Tit. 2:14; 1Pe. 1:28)
  • Reconciliation 2Co. 5:18,19; Rom. 5:10; Col. 1:21; removal of enmity
  • Pardon. (Jn. 1:29; Eph. 1:7; Rev. 1:5; Jn. 5:24; Heb. 9:22-28)
  • Freedom. (Rom. 6:14; Tit. 3:5-7)
  • Deliverance from Death. (2Co. 5:21; Jn. 11:26; Rom. 8:10,27)
  • Life Eternal. (Tit. 1:2; Rom. 6:22)
  • Victorious Life. (Rev. 7:14; Gal. 2:20; Rev. 12:11)


I. Nature

3 Aspects
  • Justification – Courtroom scene – declaration as righteous.
  • Regeneration (inward experience) – Adoption (outward privilege) – Household scene
  • Sanctification – Temple scene (Luk. 2:37).
Subjective and Objective Aspects
  • Objective Aspect – Provided by the atoning work of Christ – Justification, adoption
  • Subjective Aspect – The work of the Holy Spirit –Effectual calling, conversion, regeneration, sanctification.
On the cross 'Christ procured for us salvation; the Holy Spirit produces in us salvation.' Watchman Nee

II. Justification – Rom. 4:25
  • Declared (not made) righteous – imputation of Christ's righteousness and restoration to God's favor (Rom. 3:22; Rom. 5:17; Rom. 13:21)
  • Change in standing
  • Removal of penalty. Rom. 4:7; 2Co. 5:19; Rom. 8:1
  • Forgiveness of sins. Col. 2:12,13
  • Ground – Blood (Death) of Christ. Rom. 5:9; Rom. 4:5; Rom. 3:25.
  • Means – Faith. Rom. 3:34-35
  • Spring – Grace. Rom. 3:24
  • Proof – Resurrection. Rom. 4:25
III. Regeneration – New Birth
  • New Creation – 1Co. 5:17; Jn. 3:3-7; Gal. 6:15; 1Ti. 3:5
  • New & Divine Life – Jn. 3:3-7; Eph. 2:15; 1Jo. 5:24; Rom. 6:24; Jas. 1:8; Col. 2:12,13
  • New Nature – 2Pe. 1:4; Mk. 2:21,22; 1Jo. 2:9; Col. 3:10
  • New & Divine Impulse – Acts 26:19-22
IV. Adoption (Huiothesia – 'placing as son')

  • Family Name. 1Jo. 3:1; Eph. 3:14,15
  • Family Likeness. Rom. 8:29
  • Family Love. Jn. 13:35
  • Family Spirit. Gal. 4:6; Rom. 8:13
  • Family Service. Jn. 14:23,24; Jn. 15:8
We Receive
  • Chastisement. Heb. 12:5-1)
  • Comfort. 2Co. 1:4; Isa. 66:13)
  • Inheritance. Rom. 8:17; 1Pe. 1:3-5)
  • Child-like confidence. Gal. 4:5-11
  • Boldness, Access. Eph. 3:12
  • Fellowship of the Brethren. Eph. 2:19; Eph. 3:6; Col. 1:7; Col. 2:25; Rom. 16:7; Col. 4:10; Phm. 1:24
V. Sanctification. Holiness 'set apart'

  • Separation from the world
  • Dedication to God
  • Positional. 1Co. 6:11; Heb. 10:14
  • Progressive. Gal. 4:19; 2Co. 3:18; 1Pe. 2:2; Eph. 4:15; 1Pe. 1:14-15; Gal. 3:3
  • Prospective. Perfect. 1Jo. 3:2
Other Views of Sanctification
  • Wesleyan: Sanctification as 2nd Work of Grace that is result of total surrender and faith in the Holy Spirit and means perfection in love.
  • Keswick: Sanctification is a distinctive experience that marks the point where the defeated Christian is transformed into a victorious Christian in a total surrender and consecration to God captured in the phrase 'Let Go and Let God.'
  • Reformed: Sanctification is growth in holiness through spiritual disciplines.
  • Chaferian: At the point of conversion, Christ is accepted as Savior and a natural man becomes a believer, though being a carnal man; at sanctification, the carnal man accepts Christ as Lord and becomes a spiritual man.


I. Nature
  • Name Ekklesia – an assembly of called out ones
  • Kuriake – that which belongs to the Lord
  • Christians are called – brethren, believers, saints, elect, disciples, Christians, those of the Way (Ac. 9.2)
  • Illustrations-The Body of Christ (1Co. 10:16; 1Co. 12:27)
    -The Temple of God (1Pe 2:5,6; Eph 2:21,22; 1Co 3:16,17)
    -The Bride of Christ (1Co. 11:2; Eph 5:25-27; Rev. 19:7)
II. Founding
  • The Rock (Mt. 16:18) – The Confession of Jesus being the Son of the living God (His Being) and the Christ of God (His Work – Ministerial Title)
  • Eph. 2:20 – Apostles & Prophets (Christ – The Corner/Cap Stone)
III. Membership – By faith in Christ and obedience in Water Baptism

IV. The Work of the Church
  • Evangelisation – Mt. 28:19-20
  • Edification – Eph. 4:7-16
  • Exaltation – Worship – 1Pe. 2:5-10
V. Ordinances

1. Baptism
  • Mode: Immersion
  • Formula: Mt. 28:19
  • Recipient: Believer (Mk. 16:16)
  • Efficiency: Public Acceptance
  • Meaning: Pictures of Salvation, Experience of Death & Resurrection with Christ, Regeneration
2. Lord's Supper
  • Commemoration of Christ's Death: New Covenant
  • Looking Forward to His Coming


The Bible teaches us that all moral beings will be brought to judgment before God in the Last Day of the world. Jesus gave the signs that precede the coming of this Last Day. They are: an increase of apostasy, of false prophets, the coming of the anti-Christ who will persecute the people of God and politically control the world, wars, earthquakes, famines, growing crime rates, rise of cults, and signs in outer space among many things (Matt. 24). After these things, the Son of God will appear in the sky with His mighty angels (2Thess.1:7). He will appear this second time for the salvation of His people and the judgment of the world (Heb.9:28). The dead in Christ will rise first and those disciples who are living will be caught up to Lord to be with Him forever (1Thess.4:16,17). The devil and his angels will be punished in hell (Matt.25:41; Rev.20:10). Those whose names are not written in the Book of life will be thrown into the Lake of fire (Rev.20:15) because they will be judged according to their deeds (Rom.2:5,6; Jude 15).

The faithful in Christ will inherit the Kingdom of God (Rev.21:7)

I. Key Terms to the Second Coming of Christ
  • Parousia – 1Th. 3:13; 1Th. 4:15; lit. 'being by' 'presence'
  • Apocalypse – 1Co. 1:7; 2Th. 1:6-7; 1Pe. 4:13; lit. 'revelation'
  • Epiphany – 1Ti. 6:14; 2Ti. 4:8; Tit. 2:13-14; lit. 'appearance'
II. Rapture
  • Pre-tribulation- Christ will come for His saints before the 7-year. trib. period; afterward He will come with His saints. The first stage is Rapture; the second, Revelation.
Other Views
  • Partial Rapture – only believers who are watching and waiting for the Lord will be raptured at various times before and during the 7-year. trib.
  • Mid-tribulation – the church is raptured in the middle of the tribulation period, prior to the Great Tribulation.
  • Post-tribulation – living believers are to be raptured at the second coming of Christ, which will occur at the end of the Tribulation.
DANIEL’S 70 WEEKS (DAN. 9:24-27)
Formula: 1 Week = 7 Years (Gen. 29:7)

“Going forth of the commandment” – March 14, 445 B.C. (Neh. 2:5)
“After 62 weeks shall Messiah be cut off.” – April 06, A.D. 32 (Mt. 21)
62+7 = 69 Weeks (Dan. 9:25) x 7 x 360 days = 173,880 days (Jewish Calendar)
March 14, 445 – April 06, 32 = 173,880 days (Our Calendar)
The Final Week (7 years of Tribulation) when the Anti-Christ will be revealed is the 70th week (Dan. 9:27).

Signs – Mt. 24: Wars, False Teachers, Persecution, Apostasy, Callousness, Return of Jews, Restoration of land (Isa. 35:1); Trees plantation (Eze. 36:30); Inhabiting desolate cities (Isa. 54:3); Federation of Nations (Dan.2:44), etc.

III. Millenium. Various Theories
  • Dispensational Premillenialism – Christ's revelation (2nd phase of 2nd Coming) will be followed by a literal 1,000 years. of reign on earth during which time the Abrahamic covenant will be completely fulfilled in Israel (Gen. 12:1-3). Its outworking is seen in the Palestinian, Davidic, and new covenants. The church shares the blessings of the new covenant, but does not fulfill its promises (Gal. 3:16).
  • Historic, Classical, and Nondispensational Premillenialism – The rapture will occur at Christ's second coming and will be followed by an earthly kingdom of Christ. Church goes through the future Tribulation. Millenium is both present and future. Christ is reigning in heaven. Millenium not necessarily 1,000 years.
  • Postmillenialism – The kingdom of God is now extended through teaching, preaching, evangelization, and missionary activities. Tribulation is experienced now. The world is to be Christianized and followed by a long period of peace and prosperity called the Millenium. This would be followed by Christ's return.
  • Amillennialism or Realized Millenialism – There is no literal Millenium on earth after 2nd coming. The kingdom of God is now present in the world through His Word, His Spirit, His Church. Christ's return is a single event. Tribulation is experienced in this present age. Church is the new Israel.
References used
Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1939.
Berkhof, Louis. The History of Christian Doctrines. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1937.
Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1985.
Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1995.
House, H. Wayne, Charts of Christian Theology & Doctrine Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992.
Kroll, Woodrow. Back to the Bible Series.
Menzies, William W. & Horton, Stanley M. Bible Doctrines Madras: Bethesda Communications, 1993.
Pearlman, Myer. Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible Springfield: Gospel Publishing House, 1995.
Purkiser, W.T. (ed.), Exploring our Christian Faith, Rev. Edn. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1978.
Williams, J. Rodman. Renewal Theology, Grand Rapids: Academie Books, 1988.

Cover Me, Savior!

While through this renegade world of sin, suffering, and shame,
I walk, I run, I hover, and crawl,
I pray You never keep me at bay,
Though I stagger, I wander, I wriggle, and fall;
For, what man of himself can ever make a claim -
I'm covered with sin, with agony, and shame!
Lord, heal me forever, remove my despair,
Open my eyes to see Your glory -
Not this nakedness that drives me insane.
Cover me, Savior, remove my disgrace,
Grant me asylum under the shadow of Your Name!

© Domenic Marbaniang, July 16, 2010

Health: Tongue Cleaners

Do you use a tongue cleaner? If yes, then you are at the advantage of having germ-free tongue, sharp taste buds, and a fresh breath. If no, any doctor would advice you start using one soon. Let's look at some reasons why a regular use of a tongue cleaner has several advantages:

1. It removes the plaque of food remnants that accumulate over the tongue.
2. It removes the bacteria that feed on the plaque (these are those that cause such a foul breath).
3. It cleans the taste buds and rejuvenates them.
4. Cleaner and stimulated taste buds help you get a better and original taste of the food.
5. It protects the mouth against ulcers caused by infections.
6. It helps to maintain healthy gums and teeth, which are the tongue's immediate neighbors.
7. It gives the mouth its fresh breath.
8. It is good for the stomach. Uncleaned tongue increases chances of bacteria getting mixed with food during mastication, leading to stomach illnesses.
9. It is good for lungs, as breath is also inhaled through the mouth.
10. It keeps a clear mind. Tongue is one of the most sensitive members of the body, and it is known that a drop of drug on it can affect the brain immediately. A clean tongue, therefore, keeps a clear mind.

There are many other reasons which you'll discover as soon as you start using a tongue cleaner. In India, since ages past, people used plant twigs or metal cleaners to clean the tongue. There are some cultures where this is not very popular; but, it has been observed that this leads to bad gums and teeth as well. However, those who wish to have a healthy tongue, gums, and teeth should also note that they cannot expect to have a healthy mouth if they assault their tongue, gums, and teeth with tobacco or any such hazardous stuff. Below are few care tips while using a tongue cleaner:

1. Use a tongue cleaner which is not very sharp.
2. Use a tongue cleaner that fits your mouth. Children must not be given a large one. It may not fit and so may cause cuts.
3. Clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth (most usually, once when you wake up in the morning and once before going to bed at night).
4. Wash your mouth every time you eat food.
5. Take care not to hurt your palate.
So, go ahead and enjoy your fresh day!

4 Guards Over Life -जीवन के चार पहरें – (Proverbs 4:20-27)

Forthcoming in Satyadoot Magazine, Itarsi, August 2010

संसार में मनुष्य हर बहुमूल्यक बात की सुरक्षा का उपाय करता है। घर के अलमारियॉ, संदूकें, दरवाजें, एवं खिडकियॉ तालों के तले सुरक्षित पाएं जाते ही हैं, साथ ही साथ कुछ लोग अधिक सुरक्षा के लिए पहरेदारों को भी नियुक्त कर देते हैं, क्योंकि हर व्यसक्ति जानता है कि इस संसार में उसकी सुरक्षा की जिम्मेीदारी प्रथमत: उसी पर ही हैं, और यह संसार एक दुष्टक लोक है। लेकिन भौतिक वस्तुतओं से भी अधिक मूल्यंवान मनुष्या के कुछ ऐसी बातें हैं जिनकी सुरक्षा करने में यदी वह विफल हो जाएं तो वह सब कुछ खो देता हैं। इसीलिए पवित्रशास्त्रि हमे चिताता है:

हे मेरे पुत्र मेरे वचन ध्यान धरके सुन, और अपना कान मेरी बातों पर लगा। इनको अपनी आंखों की ओट न होने दे? वरन अपके मन में धारण कर। क्योंकि जिनकों वे प्राप्त होती हैं, वे उनके जीवित रहने का, और उनके सारे शरीर के चंगे रहने का कारण होती हैं। सब से अधिक अपने मन की रक्षा कर? क्योंकि जीवन का मूल स्रोत वही है। टेढ़ी बात अपके मुंह से मत बोल, और चालबाजी की बातें कहना तुझ से दूर रहे। तेरी आंखें साम्हने ही की ओर लगी रहें, और तेरी पलकें आगे की ओर खुली रहें। अपने पांव धरने के लिये मार्ग को समथर कर, और तेरे सब मार्ग ठीक रहें। न तो दहिनी ओर मुढ़ना, और न बाईं ओर? अपने पांव को बुराई के मार्ग पर चलने से हटा ले।।(नीतिवचन 4:20-27)

इस वचन-पाठ में हम जीवन के उन चार महान पहरुओं को देखते हैं जिससे मनुष्यत मनुष्योंत और परमेश्वकर के सन्मुनख में जाना जाता है। वे चार अंग है: हृदय, मुंह, आंखें, एवं पांव। इन चारों की चौकसी का जिम्मार व्यढ़क्तिगत तौर पर हमारा ही है।

हृदय का पहरा

हृदय या मन के विषय में बताया गया है कि सब से अधिक इसी की रक्षा हमें करना हैं, क्योंकि जीवन का मूल स्रोत वही है। दूसरे शब्दों में मनुष्यब का सब से महत्व पूर्ण अंग उस का हृदय ही है। इसके कई कारण हैं। पहले तो, हृदय की स्थिति ही मनुष्यय की स्थिति को निर्धारित करती हैं। इसलिए, नीतिवचन 12:25 कहता है किे उदास मन दब जाता है या एक व्यिक्ति को निरुत्सा हित एवं कर्महीन कर देता है, लेकिन अच्छास खबर सुनते ही वह आनंदित हो जाता है। उसी प्रकार, मनुष्यक जिस बात की आशा लगाए बैठा है, उस बात का पूरा होने में जब विलम्ब होता है तो वह शिथिल और पत्थरर समान बन जाता है, लेकिन उस आशा के पूरे होने पर ऐसा मानों उसके जी में जान आ गया हो (नीतिवचन 13:12)। फिर, हृदय ही वह अंदुरूणी कक्ष है जहा पर मनुष्यब का चरित्र का निर्माण होता है। यीशु मसीह ने कहा कि भला मनुष्य अपने मन के भले भण्डायर से भली बातें निकालता है, और बुरा मनुष्य अपने मन के बुरे भण्डा र से बुरी बातें निकालता है? क्योंकि जो मन में भरा है वही उसके मुंह पर आता है'' (लूका 6:45)। हम अपने हृदय में जिन विचारों और कार्यों को पनपने देते हैं, वे ही हमारे जीवन के निर्धारक बन जाते हैं। जब मनुष्य। असावधान होकर बुराई को अपने हृदय में जड पकडने दे देता है तो उसके हृदय से "बुरी बुरी चिन्ता, व्यभिचार...चोरी, हत्या, परस्त्रीगमन, लोभ, दुष्टरता, छल, लुचपन, कुदृष्टिज, निन्दा, अभिमान, और मूर्खता ... निकलती हैं और मनुष्य को अशुद्ध करती हैं’’ (मरकुस 7:21;23)। लेकिन जो पवित्र बाइबिल के वचनों को दिल पर राज्यर करने देता है, उसके जीवन में प्रेम, आनन्दत, मेल, धीरज, कृपा, भलाई, विश्वा स, नम्रता, और संयम नामक आत्मा का फल लग कर उसे आत्मिक और चरित्रमान बना देती है। नीतिवचन 4:21 में कहा गया है कि हमें वचनों को प्रति‍दिन धारण करना हैं। अंग्रजी का एक अनुवाद में कहा गया है कि हमें इसे दिल के मध्या में या केंद्र बिंदु पर रखना है। जब हम परमेश्वैर के वचन को अपने हृदय के मध्य में रख देते हैं तो वह हमारे सम्पूयर्ण्‍ जीवन को नियंत्रित कर हमें उन सारे वेदनाओं और दुखों से बचाता हैं जो पाप के कडवे जड से उपजते हैं।

मुंह का पहरा

याकूब 3:2 के अनुसार जो अपने जीभ पर काबू कर लेता है, वह अपने सारे शरीर पर नियं‍त्रण पा लेता हैं। जब हम जीभ को यूं ही फिसलने दे देते है, और जो मुंह आए उसे ही कह देते है तो हम अनियंत्रित और मूर्ख बन जाते हैं, क्योंनकि वचनों से मनुष्यर की बुद्धि जानी जाती है। हमारे वचन सच्चे और लाभदायक होने चाहिए। याकूब कहता है कि हमें अपने जुबान पर लगाम बांध देनी चाहिए, अर्थात हमें उसे इधर उधर भटकने से बचाना चाहिए, हमें उसे सही दिशा और निशाने पर बनाए रखना चाहिए। जिसके हृदय में ईश्वार के वचनों का मनन होता है, उसके जीभ पर ईश्वअर के कामों की प्रशंसा, स्तुअति, विश्वा स का अंगीकार, खराई, एवं सच्चाजई के वचन ही रहते हैं। जो ईश्ववर के बातों पर मन नही लगाता है, उसके वचनों में असंतुष्टि, कडुवाहट, निंदा, हिंसा, और हानी ही व्य।क्तअ होते हैं। एक गलत शब्द जीवन और गवाही को नष्टअ कर सकता हैं। वैसे एक जीवनदायक वचन किसी उजडे जीवन को बना भी सकता हैं।

आंखों का पहरा

आंखों के विषय में यह पाठ भाग हमें दो बातें बताती है: हमारी आंखें साम्हने ही की ओर लगी रहें, और हमारी पलकें आगे की ओर खुली रहें। साम्हाने ही की ओर लगाये रखने का अर्थ है कि हमें आगे के तरफ ही बढता चले जाना चाहिए, किसी भी मोड पे पीछे न मुडे। क्या कोई व्यंक्ति पीछे की ओर देख कर साम्हनने दौड सकता है, या नीचे की ओर देखकर पहाड की चोटी पर पहुंच सकता है? यदी हम अपने अतीत से अभी भी झूंझ रहे है तो हम कभी आगे नही बढ सकते। पौलुस कहता है कि वह पिछली बातों को भूल कर आगे की ओर बढता चला जाता है (फिलि 3:13)। यदी हम अतीत की ओर अपनी आंखें लगा देते है तो हम उसके चपेट में फंस जाते है। परमेश्वतर हमें प्रति दिन एक नई सुबह देता है ताकि हम उन पुरानी पाप की बातों से बहुत दूर निकलते चले जाएं। प्रभु में जितना हम आगे बढते जाते है, उतना ही हम पाप से दूर होते जाते है। लेकिन यदि कोई जाल हमें आज भी फंसाए रखा हैं, तो जान जाएं की परमेश्व र हमें उसमे से छुडाने का सामर्थ रखता है। तो क्योंज न हम इस छुटकारे के सौभाग्यि और आाशीष में अपने दिन बढाते जाएं। केवल इतना करना है: विश्वाैस से ठान लें कि आप पुरानी बातों को त्यािग कर यीशु मसीह द्वारा दिया गया नया जीवन को धारण कर लेंगे।

हमारे पलक झपकने न पाएं, क्योंगकि शत्रु शैतान इस ताक में रहता है कि कही हमारा ध्यालन हटे और वह हमें निगल ले जाएं। हमें सदा सतर्क रहना चाहिए। हमें बुद्धिमान व्य क्ति के समान संसार में बडी सचेत्ताध के साथ दिन गुजारना है (इफि 5:14-16)। हम सांसारिक लालच की बातों की तरफ नही परंतु परमेश्वदर के पवित्र बुलाहट पर अपना ध्या(न लगाए रखें। और स्मनरण रखें की आंखों की ज्योकती परमेश्व र का वचन है (मत्ति 6:22,23; भजन 119:130)। इसलिए उसके वचन रूपी दिये को हमेशा अपने निकट रखें, ऐसा न हो किे हम इस अंधकार के लोक में अचानक अपने आप को बेसहारा और लक्ष्यउहीन या दिशाहीन पा जाएं; हमें उसके वचन को हमारी स्‍मृती के उच्चअतम सिरे पर रखना चाहिए (2‍पत 1:19)।

पावों का पहरा

अपने पावों का पहरा रखना हमारा चाल चलन, संगति, एवं प्रगति की चौकसी को दर्शाती है।

संसार में कई गलत शिक्षाएं एवं प्रलोभन हैं जो हमारे पावों तले जमीन को खिसका सकते हैं। लेकिन जो प्रभु के विश्वामस एवं बल पे खडा रहता है, वह कभी हिलने वाला नही (इफि 4:14;16)। बाइबिल हमारा मार्गदर्शक एवं नक्षा बन जाएं; वही हमारे पावों के लिए दीपक और मार्गों के लिए उजियाला बने। हमारा व्य वहार, वाक, एवं व्यषक्त्तिव ईश्वहर की इच्छाप अनुरूप ही रहे।

कभी गलती से भी गलत और बुराई को फैलाने वालों की संगति में अपने पांव जानें न दें। बुरी संगति का बुरा ही प्रभाव होता है। बलकि बुराई से दूर जो भागता है, वह अपना प्राण बचा लेता है (नीति 1:15)। फिर यह भी आवश्यवक है कि बुरी शिक्षा या प्रभाव फैलाने वालों के पॅर अपने घर पर पडने न पाएं (2यूहन्ना1:10,11)।

यदि हम इन महत्वहपूर्ण अंगों की सुरक्षा एवं चौकसी करने में सफल रहें, तो ईश्वपर की ही मदद से हम प्रगति, प्रभाव, और प्रतिफल का अनुभव पाने वालों में होंगे।

डॉमेनिक मरबनयंग, जुलाई 2010

© Domenic Marbaniang, July 2010

India Gets its Unique Rupee Symbol

New Official Rupee Symbol
The Indian Rupee has got its unique official symbol (र with a double-strike). Sify Finance and IANS reports
After delaying its verdict by many weeks, a five-man jury finally chose IIT post-graduate D Udaya Kumar's design as the symbol of the Indian currency from shortlisted entries in an all-India contest late on Wednesday.... Kumar's symbol... is formed by the merger of the Devanagari 'Ra' and the Roman capital 'R' without the stem. [Sify News]
According to The Economic Times,
Kumar's entry was chosen from 3,000 designs competing for the currency symbol. He will get an award of Rs 2.5 lakh.[The Economic Times]
So, the Rupee doesn't need to be just abbreviated as Rs. or INR any longer, it can be represented with its own unique symbol, even as $ or £ are represented for Dollar and Pound. But, it'll take a bit of time for it to settle down on the market.

Reliability, Predictability, and Paul the Octopus

Paul the Octopus has recently become very famous after his predictions for Germany and Spain during the World Cup 2010 came right. The 100% accuracy tag distinguishes him from any other diviner who had attempted a prediction during the World Cup. There were responses and reactions from various people including sportsmen, statesmen, and mathematicians. Whatever, the use of Paul has demonstrated once again that mankind's search for an extra-temporal, psychic foresight has not quelled through the historical calendar returning a decade over this millennium. The question before us is can such predictions as those of Paul be counted on as reliable (in other words, can they be seriously taken as true)?

The mathematicians have plumped for chance. It's all a matter of probability, they say (BBC News). However, the argument of chance in itself is weak. The mathematics of chance will calculate that the probability of Paul being right seven times out of seven is 1/128. But, the conclusion is not a necessary one. It does not dictate anything and so amounts to nothing. It itself is a matter of chance that the conclusion of such calculations comes right, after all.

Of course, there are certain reasons why Paul would have chosen the flag of the winning team each time. Can a creature without the vertebrae make intelligent choices? The media, however, doesn't fail to apply to it titles such as "diviner", "psychic", and "clairvoyant". However, we may have to look to the zoologist and the psychologist to come forward and investigate the reasons of those choices; and, of course, they have come with some explanations ("Potential biases", Wiki. A few more controlled experiments can help give some scientific answer.

But, some would ask, weren't animals and birds used in historic past for ascertaining the future? What reasons do we have to not believe in their intuitive powers? Even today, the howling of a dog is considered as an omen of death in the neighborhood in several places. Someone may even state a case of a death ten times out of ten whenever a dog howled. In such cases, further, there is no need of establishing a necessary relation between the howling and the death, since the howling is not at all supposed to cause the death - it only predicts it. However, if the howling is not followed by death in, even, a few cases, we have reasons to believe that the howling is not very reliable; in which case, it may also be understood that such foresight or knowledge or just omen of the future is not absolute and determinative. On the other hand, even if the howling is followed by death in all the cases, the conclusion is not reliable since the premise "If the dog howls, there will be death" is still open to falsifiability. We haven't established any reason why that statement may not go wrong someday. It's not conclusive and so not reliable.

The question, "Can animals possess psychic powers", is now to be considered. Philosophical scientists have different answers. Those who believe in the Block Universe theory, for instance, (also known as Eternalism) believe that events don't transpire; they are already there (Wiki). This would only be one step before determining how information between events can travel, and if that's established (which seems a bit impossible since nothing is supposed to travel faster than light), then the possibility of accurate prediction of events may not be so easily ruled out. And, then, the issue of memory (past, present, and future) also comes to play. The Presentists, however, will not accept such a hypothesis. To them, only the present exists, the past and the future are unreal, and so intuition of them is impossible. Presentism is more a common-sense view, because almost anyone would believe that things "happen"; they are not already there. They were, they are, and they may or may not be. If this were not the case, then the only choice would be determinism. To say that events are already there would be tantamount to saying that what is cannot be changed, in which case man has no free choice (not even Paul the Octopus). But, if everything is determined, then Truth would not be an independent category, since it would also be determined; in which, case we have no way to ascertain what is truth and what is false. Therefore, if we are to preserve any sense of "truth-possibility" and an answer to this question "Is Paul the Octopus reliable," we would have to opt for a free and open universe; in which case, psychic prediction can be ruled out.

So, we conclude that the view that the Octopus or any other diviner is not reliable is the only view which would make sense of the world, of time, of truth, and our own experience of freedom and choice.

© Domenic Marbaniang, July 2010

Fay Clayton - Ballad of the Unborn

Was introduced to this poem by the thesis (draft) of one of our students, Ayan Ghosh, this evening. The poem by Fay Clayton attempts to sum up the feelings of a baby who was severed from life before her eyes could see the world. Worth reading and pondering over. Just was thinking how grateful we are for life, a gift of God...
My shining feet will never run
On early morning lawn;
My feet were crushed before they had
A chance to greet the dawn

My fingers will never stretch
To touch the winning tape;
My race was done before I learned
The smallest steps to take

My growing height will never be
Recorded on a wall;
My growth was stopped when I was still
Unseen and very small

My lips and tongue will never taste
The good fruits of the earth;
For I myself was judged to be
A fruit of little worth

My eyes will never scan the sky
For my high-flying kite;
For when still blind, destroyed were they
In the black womb of the night

I'll never stand upon a hill
Spring winds in my hair;
Aborted winds of thought closed in
On motherhood's despair

I'll never walk the shores of life
Or know the tides of time;
For I was coming but unloved,
And that my only crime

Nameless am I, a grain of sand
One of the countless dead,
But the deed that make me ashen grey
Floats on seas of red

by Fay Clayton, November 8th 1972

Source: Truthtv.Org

Deliverance from Self – Message

Message preached at Pentecostal Church, Itarsi
Sunday, July 11, 2010. 10:15am
Translator: Rev. Samson Kalgur

“Kurien Thomas has 4 enemies: the world, the flesh, the devil, and Kurien Thomas. The last is the deadliest of all.”
~ Kurien Thomas

London's Time Magazine is said to have run a number of articles under the heading "What's Wrong With the World?" While a number of people had written to the editor their opinions and answers, the shortest reply is said to have come from the famous G.K.Chesterton. He wrote:
Dear Editor,

Regarding your question "What's Wrong With the World",

I am.

G.K. Chesterton

A Preacher was struggling over the preparation of his sermon for Sunday. His son, however, was in a different mood. He kept coming and asking his dad to come over and play with him. Disturbed, the father struck up on a game in which he thought he could get his son engaged for a while. He tore a map of the world into ten pieces, shuffled them, and asked his son to fix the map, grateful by this time that this would spare him some moments of silent preparation. However, the boy returned within a few minutes and showed the fixed map to his dad. Surprised, the dad wanted to find out how he was able to do that. The son replied, "That was easy, dad. While you were tearing the map, I saw the picture of a man on its back. So, I figured out that if I could fix the man, I could fix the world." The preacher got his message for Sunday.

Man is the problem. I am my own greatest problem and my greatest enemy.

Why is the self such a deadly enemy?
1.Because it is sold under sin, and is totally unspiritual (Rom.7:14) – Sin is its Master
2.Because it has nothing good in it (Rom.7:18)– Education informs but can’t transform (e.g. Educated cat, so civilized, but pounced upon and created chaos on seeing a mouse)
3.Because it is carnal and ruled by the passions of the flesh (Rom.7:5)– Sartre: “man is a bundle of passions”
4.Because it is in enmity with God (Rom.8:7): it does not submit to the law of God
5.Because it wars against itself (James 4:1, 1Peter 2:11)
6.Because it cannot relate to itself properly: self-possessed: narcissism or despair (Isa.14:12 - Satan's I's. Self-love or self-hatred.
7.Because it is possessed by folly and madness (Eccl.9:3)
8.Because it has a deceptive heart (Jer.17:9). It deceives me into believing false things. It seduces the drunkard into destroying himself with wine, as it appears red and dances in that venomous glass.
9.Because it has a defiled conscience (Tit.1:15): defiled by guilt (condemnation), defiled by sin (hardening). Only the blood of Jesus can purify and heal our conscience.
10.Because it cannot be fought against nor fled from. Like a little boy trying to run away from his own shadow. It keeps following everywhere you go.
11.Because it opposes itself and creates a self-contradictory and blasphemous lifestyle (Acts 18:6, 2Tim.2:25, KJV)

2 Wrong Methods that Complicate the Problem
1.Escalation: Power, Money, Luxury, Religious Influence
2.Escapism: Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Parties, Shopping, Movies, Novels, Complaining (shirking personal responsibility)

False Views that Abet and Aid Self’s Ruthless Reign
1.Self is Intelligent and Mighty (Jiva is immortal and infinite – Yoga, Medicine, Education - Is Education power?): Pride of Life
2.Self has to be satisfied (“In the beginning was hunger, that hunger is self”): Lust of Flesh
3.Self is the criteria of good and evil (“eyes were opened” – saw naked): Lust of Eyes

In a Word, “HUMANISM” – Man is the center of the universe. Man is the measure of all things.
They even judge what God should be like, and are ashamed of the justifying and holy God of the OT

The Divine Solution: JESUS CHRIST
1. His Incarnation - Self-Emptying
2. His Obedience - Self-Surrender
3. His Crucifixion - Self-Giving
4. His Resurrection - God's Salvation


1. When we realize and confess our condition and come to Him with humility and total abandonness, He gives grace.
2. When we repent from sins, the old life is blotted out. The old self is crucified with Christ and rendered powerless.
2. The Spirit of His Resurrection makes us alive, a new person, gives us a new heart and gives us power to completely live for Him.

Let's call out to Him in our poverty of soul and weakness of flesh! May He fill us with Himself and deliver us from all evil!

Domenic Marbaniang, July 2010

From now on... (ab sey)

From now on...

May only Christ be magnified
May only Christ be preached
May only Christ be portrayed
In thought, act, and speech.

From now on...

May only Christ be satisfied
May only Christ be pleased
May only Christ be honored
In life, desire, and deed.

Ab sey...

Keval Masih ho uncha
Keval Masih ka ho prachar
Keval Masih ka ho chitran
Soch, karya, vachan mein.

Ab sey...

Keval Masih ho santusht
Keval Masih ho prasann
Keval Masih ka ho aadar
Jeevan, iccha, karm mein.

Trichotomy Chart - Body, Soul, Spirit

11 Major Organ-Systems
Analysis, Synthesis, Prediction
Spiritual Discernment
E.g. Survival
E.g. Fear
Knowledge of Good and Evil
E.g. Hunger, Thirst

Why Do People Believe in God?

In an age when "belief" is looked skeptically down, one wonders why people still continue to believe in God. At the same time, there are those who wonder why people aren't able to believe in God.

Following may be some reasons why people believe in God:

1. Simplicity. There is a law in both philosophy and science called Occam's Razor that says that the simplest explanation must be preferred to a more complicated one. Belief in God is simple, therefore, people believe in God.

2. Rationality. Belief in God answers several questions that may not be, otherwise, answerable. It solves the question of creation and destiny of the universe, the question of justice, morality, and truth, the problem of evil, the question of life after death, and the problem of man's purpose in life.

3. Practicability. Belief in God is practical and useful. It helps one to face life in a positive manner. At the same time, the believer's experience of God's answer to his prayers, of miracles, and of help in time of need strengthens his faith in God.

4. Existentiality. Belief in God gives man a purpose in life. Life is no longer accidental, haphazard, and absurd. Life has a purpose. Even in the midst of the severest evil, this belief in God gives man the reason to be and do good. It gives meaning to such virtues like love, mercy, truth, justice, and righteousness.

Domenic Marbaniang, 2010


On installing Windows 7 in your computer, you might have noticed that you cannot open certain files, and Win7 gives you the message “Access Denied”. This can be solved very easily.

1. Download Ultimate Windows Tweaker from The Windows Club.
2. Unzip it and run Ultimate Windows Tweaker.exe (it may ask for permission)
3. Go to Additional Tweaks and check wherever it says: Show "Take Ownership"
4. Restart your machine
5. Now right-click on the drive, folder, or file that is blocked and click "Take Ownership" and follow the prompts.
6. You can now access those files.

If this doesn't work
1. In the Tweaker, again, go to User Accounts & UAC
2. On the top right, you may find two options saying "Disabled". Enable them to enable the built-in Administrator.
3. Restart.
4. Log in to the Administrator account.
5. Right-click on the drive, folder, or file you desire permissions for.
6. Go to "Properties"
7. Go to "Security", then to "Advanced" and then to "Change Permissions"
8. Click on the User/Administrator account you use.
9. Check "Replace all child permissions....."
10. Press "Apply" and return.
11. Switch to your regular account. You may now be able to access the folders and files.

Other Go-around ways of solving it:
1. Copy that file to some other place and open it. However, if you copy it back to the same folder, it will not open, unless you have changed its name.
2. Right-click on the file and go to Properties-Security-Advanced. Then, select the User-Name and press the “Change Permissions” button. Check the box “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent” and press the “Apply” button. Press “OK”. Now, you can open the file.
For some files, the process is Properties-Security-Advanced, then press “Continue”, then select user and check the box “Include inheritable…”.
In Detail
To those have recently upgraded to the Windows 7 OS and have begun to wonder why they can’t open some of their old folders and files, the answer is simple: curtailing of administrative privileges; the OS recognizes these files on the system to be older and locked. In addition, though you are the administrator, it has failed to fully handover the privileges to you when you created a user account. Anyways, not minding these complications, let’s get to the solution-point and Keep It Simple and Sound (KISS).
The folders seem to be permanently locked – I have not been able to see a solution, yet; any attempt to attribute the privileges is returned with the message “ACCESS DENIED”
But, that’s not bad news. Here is the solution:
1.Just select the folder (s) or all the files within the folder and copy them (CTRL+C).
2. Then, get out of that folder and paste those files wherever you like (perhaps, a good idea would be to make a new folder, name it, and paste the files within it.
You’ll get a message asking for administrator permission. Press “Continue”.
You can now open those files.
* Remember that if you tried copying these files back to the same old folder, they won’t open. So, you understand that the bug called “Folder locked” is a weak one.
*Also remember that Cut (CTRL+X) and paste won’t work.
But, you can open the locked files within the same old folder; however, it takes a bit lengthier process.
1. Right-click on the file and go to “Properties“.
2. Find the “Security” tab, then go to “Advanced“.
3. You will be asked administrator permission. Press “Continue“.
4. Next, under “Permissions“, find and check the box next to “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent”.
5. Hit “Apply“.
You can now open the file.