"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! (Matt. 7:11)
Good Things..
1. Are not things of lust/covetousness
James 4:3 - evil desire. Therefore, they ask but don't receive .
Israel lusted after evil things 2Cor. 10:6
2. Are not things of compromise
Num. 22:12,19- Balaam wanted to go, though God forbade. He began double checking to see if God would change mind. Jude 1:11
3. Are not things of despair, anger, and frustration
1Kgs.19:4-5 Elijah wanted to die, but God answered in the opposite
Jonah 4:8-9 Jonah wanted to die out of anger, but God reproved him
4. Are not things against God's nature
Exo. 32:32,33 Moses wanted to die instead of israel.. But, God is not unjust
Examples of What We Must Pray For
1. Holy Spirit .. Not just gifts but the Person (Lk. 11:13)
2. Wisdom.. (James 1:5; 1Kgs. 3:6-9)
3. Grace in time of need (Heb. 4:16)
4. Boldness of speech (Acts 4:29)
5. That you may not fall in temptation (Mk. 14:28; Lk. 21:36)
6. Healing... (Jas 5:14)
7. Divine health.. (3Jn. 1:2)
8. Protection, deliverance 2Thess. 3:1-2)
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