Tomorrow Never Comes, Procrastination Gets One Nowhere

"He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap." (Eccl 11:4)

He who waits for better opportunities to come before he acts will never get anything done in life.

There is a saying in Hindi that says: Aaj ka kaam kal par mut taalo, "Don't postpone today's work to tomorrow."

There is no better season than this season, there is no better day than today, and there is no better moment than the "now". They who lose the moment will fail to gain the momentum. The first step taken is half the journey made.

"Momentum: The laws of physics state that it is easier to keep going than get going. So start doing the task before you feel motivated to do it." (

John Gill:
Ecclesiastes 11:4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow,.... Who before he sows his seed is careful to observe where the wind is, from what corner it blows, and forbears sowing until it is down or changes, lest it should be troublesome unto him in sowing, or blow away his seed, and waits for a better season; such a man may lose his seedtime and never sow at all, and his grain in his barn may be devoured by vermin, or be destroyed by one accident or another, and so he may lose both his seed and his crop;

and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap; which are uncertain signs of weather; and if a man gives heed to them, and puts off his sowing from time to time, for the sake of better weather, as he may never sow, so it is impossible that he should reap; and if he sows, and when his grain is ripe and forbears to reap because of the clouds, lest his grain should be wet, may never reap at all: and so it is with respect to liberality; if a man will raise difficulties, and make objections, and attend unto them; if he puts off giving till such an affliction is removed from him and his family, or that is grown up; or such an estate is obtained, or he has got to such an amount of riches, or till more proper and deserving objects present, with twenty things more of the like kind; if he defers giving on such accounts, or through fear of want, which may possess his mind for various reasons, he may never give nor get, yea, never do any good work; for, if nothing is done till all difficulties are removed, no good thing will ever be done.

Pulpit Commentary:
A familiar proverb says," A watched pot never boils." Some risks must always be run if we are to do our work in the world; we cannot make a certainty of anything; probability in the guide of life. We cannot secure ourselves from failure; we can but do our best, and uncertainty of result must not paralyze exertion.

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