5 Entanglements that Christ Came to Deliver Us From

5 Human Entanglements that Christ Came To Deliver Us From
- They complicate life - Matt.23:4 "They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. (Mat 23:4 NIV)
- They violate God's commandments - Mark 7:8,9 - Set aside commandments for traditions
- They fossilize spirituality - Col.2:23 - False customs that have no value for the spirit.
- They hinder change - old wineskins can't hold new wine (Mat.9:17)
- They worsen the convert - (Mat.23:15)

1. Traditions (Mark 7:8,9) - Traditionalism
:::caste-desire for dignity, social honor (Pharisees Jn.5:44); "what would people think?" Not desiring to be "rejected of men" (Vs.Isa.53)/ "Denominationalism"
2. Mammon (Lk.16:13-15; 1Tim.6:10)
::: Achan...Gehazi...Judas Iscariot... Materialism
3. Flesh (2Pet.2:18-22) - Sensualism (Sensationalism)
Lust of flesh, works of flesh, passions of flesh...Gal.5:19-21
::: Their god is their belly - Phil.3:19; Rom.16:17,18; Jude 19; 1Cor.6:13
Action-packed, stimulating, entertaining.... carnal food.
4. Debased Mind (Rom.1:28-32; 2Thess.2:11,12)
:::Genesis 6:5-Imaginations so rotten... Rom.1:21,22-foolish hearts darkened.
Can't think right anymore... Mat.7:6- Gospel is like pearls before swine for them.
5. Sin - One sin after another (Jn.8:34) - Prov.12:13
- David.. Bathsheba.. Uriah..; Ananias Saphira.. Lie after lie.. Gehazi..

Traditions-- Love of God (The Golden Rule): (1Pet 1:18)
Mammon - Serve God (Sell all!)
Flesh - Crucify flesh/ Gal.5. Mortify deeds of body through Spirit
Mind - Tit 3:5 renewing of spirit. ROM 12, Phil 2
Sin - ROM.6. sin shall not reign in your mortal bodies

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