Love (1Cor. 13)

1Cor.13:4 "Love is patient."
There are two kinds of patience: the patience of law and the patience of love. The patience of law says, "I have to be patient" but fails after some time. The patience of love doesn't say "I have to be patient," because it is already patient. The patience of law struggles hard trying to keep patience, but breaks down sooner because it tries to be what it is not. The patience of love doesn't strive because it is already patient. The patience of law feels excited after it has been patient for a while, but then falls to depression on experiencing failure. But, the patience of love isn't excited about having been patient, for patience is natural to it. The patience of love neither boasts about being patient or considers it a great thing at all. It simply is patient. It doesn't pray "Give me patience". It need not read books on patience-training. It simply is patient.

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