
I must be interested in people, they say. I’m not. I’m interested in ideals. People come and go: ideals do not.


Reality is now visible, after many years.
Childhood fancies of fairies and friars gone.
I searched for an ideal, but in vain.
What I’ve found is truth so cold,
That untrained youth can’t hold.
Religion is a cloak.
Virtue is intermittent; vice, perpetual.
Virtue is pretention; vice, desire.
Virtue is a feeling; vice, the current.
Virtue is a fancy; vice, reality.
Man, in ministry, is a self-centered animal.

The Christian…doesn’t exist.
Heart is witness.
Only Christ exists.
And the Christian will never exist until
Only Christ exists.

Religion is the temple; secularity, the market.
The temple can’t survive without the market.
The market pervades the temple.

June 6, 2007

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