Marks of a Successful Minister (2 Timothy)

The Example of Paul. A Man of God; A Man of...

1. Clear Mission (1:1)
2. Pure Conscience (1:2)
3. Unceasing Prayers (1:3)
4. Selfless Love - Rejoices in the Good of Others: Encourager (1:4)
5. Proactive Lifestyle, Motivator (1:6-8)
6. Suffering for the Gospel (1:8)
7. Faith in Divine Sovereignty - Grace & Calling (1:9)
8. Faithful Communication (2:1-2)
9. Diligence in Study (2:15)
10. Excellence in Art of Ministry (2:15)
11. Care Regarding Doctrine and Lifestyle (2:16) - Avoids Worldly Wisdom and Vanity
12. Godly Pursuit (2:22)
13. Humility and Gentleness (2:24)
14. Understanding Regarding Times and Age (3:1-9)
15. Depth in Scripture (3:15-17).
16. Readiness to Preach the Word (4:2)

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