Jachin and Boaz

2 Chronicles 3:17

Each of us is a Temple of God.
We have our courts, outer and innermost.
The innermost belongs to God --
The Temple is desecrated if any other invades inside.
It is the place only for God and (say) me!

Rough is the world outside,
Dark is the world inside.
Without God's presence and Light
How lost is our very being!

There is only one door - on the east.
The Holiest has no back-door.
It is where my world comes to an end.
It is where my soul is face to face with God.

Outer: candles, incense, bread...

I feared my wanderings
I trembled at my dismay
But Jachin and Boaz, Sola Gratia
Kept the entrance of my heart.

** Jachin means "He establishes"; Boaz means "In Him is strength"

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