Thank you! Thanks also for sharing your blog which certainly has very rich collection of teachings in Hindi! I wonder if you can consider adding an Index or Archive page, as well, to it for easy access to all sermons in one page. Perhaps you already know, but there's helpful information here Blessings!
I was listening attentively to your message regarding thanksgiving but after 11 minutes your audio stops .. It was very encouraging message to be thankful in every situation of life. Can i get the remaining message. Praise the Lord.
Thanks for your comment brother! I'm glad that you're blessed by the message. Unfortunately, I don't have the remaining message, presently. In case, I happen to find it, I'll let you know! Regards
Thank you! Thanks also for sharing your blog which certainly has very rich collection of teachings in Hindi! I wonder if you can consider adding an Index or Archive page, as well, to it for easy access to all sermons in one page. Perhaps you already know, but there's helpful information here
I was listening attentively to your message regarding thanksgiving but after 11 minutes your audio stops ..
ReplyDeleteIt was very encouraging message to be thankful in every situation of life.
Can i get the remaining message.
Praise the Lord.
Thanks for your comment brother! I'm glad that you're blessed by the message. Unfortunately, I don't have the remaining message, presently. In case, I happen to find it, I'll let you know! Regards