They say that it is impossible to serve God without money.
But Peter said to the lame man, Silver and gold have I none but what I have I give to you. And he gave him what the world couldn't give. That is divine ministry.
The modern day worker would like to set up an organization for the lame and raise for them money instead of giving what God has called us to give- the Name of Jesus.
Interesting that Jesus never taught His disciples to make ministry needs known to the world. He simply assured them that the Father will provide. But modern day ministries are consumed by the need to raise funds. But they can't even get in a decade what Peter got in a day without money, by only the Name of Jesus.
To say that money is necessary is one thing, to say that ministry is impossible without money is a biblical mistake. To build the work of God on anything other than the True Foundation, Jesus Christ is self-defeating.
God has ordained that the needs of the ministry be supplied by the acts of generous giving by saints. When one gives to the needs of the saints and the work of ministry, one gives to the Lord (2 Cor 9:12). It is important how, where, and what the collection of offerings are used for.
God can do more with faith-possesing and fully committed men of God than with foreign-aided and fund-oriented ministerial businesses. In fact, He would usually do without them.
But Peter said to the lame man, Silver and gold have I none but what I have I give to you. And he gave him what the world couldn't give. That is divine ministry.
The modern day worker would like to set up an organization for the lame and raise for them money instead of giving what God has called us to give- the Name of Jesus.
Interesting that Jesus never taught His disciples to make ministry needs known to the world. He simply assured them that the Father will provide. But modern day ministries are consumed by the need to raise funds. But they can't even get in a decade what Peter got in a day without money, by only the Name of Jesus.
To say that money is necessary is one thing, to say that ministry is impossible without money is a biblical mistake. To build the work of God on anything other than the True Foundation, Jesus Christ is self-defeating.
God has ordained that the needs of the ministry be supplied by the acts of generous giving by saints. When one gives to the needs of the saints and the work of ministry, one gives to the Lord (2 Cor 9:12). It is important how, where, and what the collection of offerings are used for.
God can do more with faith-possesing and fully committed men of God than with foreign-aided and fund-oriented ministerial businesses. In fact, He would usually do without them.
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