Protect children from the chill-hands of winter!
Protect families from accidents on foggy routes!
Provide for the homeless clothes, food, and shelter!
Fill hearts with warmness of love full of good fruits!
May eyes blinded by hatred find healing in Your love
That they may love and forgive and restore and build!
May hearts stiffened by indifference find life in Your love
That they may beat for the helpless and keep beating still.
May broken homes, sad and sorrowful, find a Visitor Friend--
You, O Lord, come to these homes, and may all sadness end!
For, times and seasons span our lives so short
Till Eternity takes us into Your Celestial Court!
Protect Your children, Lord, according to Your Promise:
"No evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling". (Psalm 91:10)
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