
Read some 30 titles by Domenic.

How new will this New Year be - we must make it new!

How new shall this New Year beIf everything will still be the same -A million children wrecked by hungerA million other torn by shame?How happy shall this New Year beWith those haunting memories of painOf women and children torn apartBy men pretending to be vilely sane?How different will this New Year beIf the world goes on as it does,If it wakes up another morningAnd is not an ounce different from what it was?We must celebrate this New Year, yes we must do;But how new will this New Year be unless we do something new?Yes, we must celebrate this...

No Goodbyes for 2013

When situations look tightAnd wearisome seems the fightWhen giving up feels just alrightThen we find rest and strength in God's unfailing Light!Thankful for a great 2013 -- no goodbyes for we'll carry it into a new year so...

Persistence in Christian Life

Published in REVIVE, Dec. 2013Somebody has said it well, “It is not how you start the race, but how you end the race that wins you the prize.” There are many who start the race very well; there are only a few who become winners.  Paul specified, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it” (1Cor.9:24). In other words, God wants us to run with a single, determined focus – to obtain the prize.“To persist” means “to continue firmly in spite of difficulty, opposition,...

The Good Samaritan

The Levite and the priest were so concerned about church service that they left the wounded man unattended. The Good Samaritan gave all he had to save the man in need. Jesus wants us to know that a heartless man is a neighbor of nobody - a stranger to both God and man. But the Good Samaritan who might have never preached a sermon is the one whose story God Himself shares with us to change our hear...

The Cross

THE CROSSWhereHis body was broken to unite us with GodHe suffered the most extreme deprivation to grant us sufficiency in HimselfHe met a finite end to become the root of our infinite destinyHe wore the perishable to cloth us with the imperishableHe experienced the here to lead us into the beyondHerePlurality was reconciled with UnityContingency found sufficiency in NecessityFinitude found completion in InfinityChange was absorbed into ImmutabilityImmanence was introduced to Transcende...

3 Pointers of the Lord's Table

"For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes." (1Cor. 11:26)The Lord's Table points us to:1. Our Past Roots - The Cross of Christ, His Death and Resurrection2. Our Present Responsibility - To Proclaim His Death and Resurrection.3. Christ's Future Return - Till He Comes B...

Empowering Consumers: National Portal of India Letter

To provide simple, speedy and inexpensive redressal of consumer disputes Department of Consumer Affairs offers several services.If you have any grievance against any Brand, Product or Service Provider please refer the following options to raise your voice and exercise your rights:File a complaint online with Consumer Online Resource & Empowerment Centre (CORE)File an online complaint with National Consumer Helpline (NCH)You can call at the CORE toll free number 1800-180-4566National Consumer Helpline (NCH) also provides...

Christ the Mediator in All Relationships

Some Principles of Judgment in Relationships1. Not to make a personal judgment about any person without knowing the person personally. “Do not judge!” (Matt 7:1) We have no reasons to subscribe to any other person’s judgment about any other person.2. A person is not what he/she was in the past, but what he/she is in the present – we must be reminded of the power of God that can transform a person in the split of a moment; so, the situation of even...



The Purpose, Task, and Rule of the Church

-The purpose of the Church is the glory of God (Eph 1:6; 5:27)-The task of the Church is evangelization - making disciples (Matt 28:19,20)-The rule of the Church is love - the command to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves, which is true piety and religion (Matt 22:37-40; James 1:27).The purpose will be fulfilled, the task will be completed, but the rule of love will abide forever.The purpose must not be confused with the task. The task must not be confused with the rule. The Great Commission is to preach the goodnews to all people....

The Glory of the Lord - A Theological Overview

The Hebrew word for "Glory" used in the Old Testament is kabod and it signifies "glory, honour, glorious, abundance, riches honour, splendour, glory, dignity, reputation, reverence". The New Testament Greek word is doxa and signifies "splendour, brightness, magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, grace, majesty".The Bible talks about the glory of the sun, the moon, and the stars."There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory...

Courage (2Timothy 1): Reasons to Be Fearless

2 Tim.1:3-7Fear is the mega killer. Fear cripples, paralyses, torments, kills.Gary Whetstone: False Evidence Appearing RealRoosevelt: The most fearful thing to fear is fear itself.Timothy might have been a timid person (1Cor.16:10-11; 1Tim.4:12)Reasons to be Fearful1. Background: Acts 16 (Cf. Judges 6. Gideon had the same problem)2. Age: Timothy was a youth (1Tim.4:12). Such was the problem also of Jeremiah.3. Loneliness: Timothy was alone in Ephesus. (Cp. Elijah’s loneliness, Moses’ loneliness)4. Context: Ephesus was a big city. There was the...

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. (Hebrews 11:1)

Faith is “the substance of things hoped for.” (Hebrews 11:1) In other words, the things that we hope for are, at present, composed of and given to us as faith. Therefore, whenever we have faith we also have the things we hope for in the form of faith now.  That is why Jesus said “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mk. 11:24). He doesn’t ask them to believe that they will receive it in future but to believe that they have already received it in faith. In other words, if someone has faith...

Spoiled by God's Love

~To God my exceeding joy (Psa 43:4)~You may not have a big car, but you're on the cruise to heaven;You may not have gold and silver, but you're given the keys of heaven;You may not have a good house, but you're God's House, His Temple;You may not have many friends, but the Best Friend gave His life for you;You may not have flown in an airplane, but you'll ride on the clouds;You may not have crossed your village, but you'll rule over nations;You may not have sung in a choir, but you'll sing with myriads of saints...You may not have a computer, but...

Evangelism, Exaltation (Worship), Edification - Thoughts

EVANGELISM:Jesus said "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible" in connection with the salvation of souls (Mar 10:27)... For God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1Ti 2:4). No excuses allowed! If God has planted an idea of evangelism in your heart, don't stifle it with the thorns of godless excuses. He really wants all people to get saved. Focus on the demands of heaven.EXALTATION (WORSHIP):~"My soul thirsts for God..." (Psa 42:2)~If we're really thirsty, we won't...

Worship & Humility (Psalm 34:2)

~"My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; The humble shall hear of it and be glad." (Psalm 34:2)~TO WORSHIP (Gk. proskuneo, Hb. shachah) means "to bow down with the face to the ground; to prostrate": this is only possible through absolute humility and self-surrender. While the mind is immersed in self-interest and self-conceit, it can never appreciate the sound of praise and worship to God. Only "the humble shall hear.. and be gla...

When I look into the heavens, the moon and all the stars, I wonder What is man that you are mindful of him? (Psalm 8)

~"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars that you have established;what are human beings that you are mindful of them,mortals that you care for them?" (Psalm 8:3,4)~There are about 400 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Now, there are 500 billion such galaxies in the universe. Imagine the number of all the stars if we multiply the 400 billion with the 500 billion; it would be 200000 billion stars. Yet, God knows each of the stars by its name - how much more precious is the life of a human created in...

I AM THAT I AM (Ex. 3:14)

This is the Name by which God introduced Himself to Moses. The exact passage is:And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. (Ex.3:13,14)This is the Name by which only God can introduce Himself.If somebody asked me who I am, I might answer by telling...

The Unique Christ - IV - The Song of the Bride

IVThe Song of the BrideWhat does He lack that I should seek another?I desire nothing apart from Him.What is that desire that is better than the joy He gives?I find my deepest enjoyment only in Him.My Lover is altogether lovely,Brighter than the morning star,Fairer than the nocturnal moon,Stronger than the sun at noon;My Lover is indescribably lovely –And, see, He has chosen me!When my heart began to wander after the fleeting shadows,Love drew me back to His Arms of peace;When my thoughts were all shaken by fears of tomorrows,I was gently reminded...

IRENAEUS (c.130-c.200)

Adversary of the GnosticsSignificance:Doctrine of Christ’s Incarnation, Union of Natures, and Recapitulation theory of Atonement.The church is one and universal, and it confesses one and the same faith throughout the world. The common faith is confessed at baptism, at which one act the believer receives forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit.“Canon of truth” referred to the “rule of faith”, the content of the apostolic preaching in summary form...

JUSTIN MARTYR (c. 100- c.165)

Apologist and Martyr.“For I myself, too, when I was delighting in the doctrines of Plato, and heard the Christians slandered, and saw them fearless of death … perceived that it was impossible that they could be living in wickedness and pleasure” (2Apol.12)Significance• One of the first highly educated Gentiles to use his learning to defend Christianity even before the emperor himself.o His writings use citations from Euripides, Xenophon, and above...

Ignatius of Antioch (d. c. 98-117)

Fed to lions during the reign of Trajan (AD 98-117). Wrote 6 letters en route to Rome.Significance:• First to use the word Christianismos (Christianity, Ign.Rom 3:3; Magn.10:3)• Opposed Docetism (Trallians 9;11-2; Smyr.1-3)• First to stress the concept of “monepiscopacy” (or monarchical episcopacy): a single bishop in a given city presides over the 3-fold ministry of (i) bishop (ii) presbyters (iii) deaconso The bishop presides in the place of God (Magn.6:1; Tral.3:1)o Submission to bishop is necessary to achieve henosis (“unity,” Ign.Eph.5:1).o...

Waiting on the Lord - Sermon Outline

1. STRENGTH THROUGH WAITING. PSALM 27:14; ISAIAH 40:31Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! (Psa 27:14 NKJ)But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isa 40:31 NKJ)If you're growing weaker; it means you have not been waiting.If you're afraid; it means you have not been waiting.If you're becoming weary; it means you have not been waiting.2. SALVATION...

Job: The Friends of Job Pursue the Will of the Devil to Find Fault with Job (3rd Round: Chs 21-31)

Job wants his friends to bear with him till he has finished speaking; for his complaint is not against man. He asks that if their argument was right why do the wicked live and prosper though they care nothing about God. If someone says that God will punish the children for the father's sin; how reasonable would that be, because they won't mind what happens to others after them. (Ch21) Eliphaz is now very blunt and accusatory. He tells Job that his righteousness mean nothing because Job's wickedness is great. He accuses him of exploiting the poor,...

Job: You...make my humiliation an argument against me (Round 2: Chs12-20)

"If indeed you magnify yourselves against me, and make my humiliation an argument against me...." (Job 19:5)It is sad to see that the friends who had come to comfort Job start ending up trying to convict and condemn him. The pain is aggravated by their aggressiveness to reproach Job.Job remarks that what they are saying isn't something very new. His friends still can't relate with his pain. He doesn't accept their accusations and says that they all whitewash with lies and are worthless physicians; it would have been better if they would keep silent;...

Idle Words Vs Effectual Words (Quote) - A. A. Allen

From A.A.Allen's, The Price of God's Miracle Working Power"Every idle (unprofitable) word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." Mat 12:36.Nothing more quickly and thoroughly reveals the lack of real spirituality than does foolish talking, jesting, and IDLE WORDS. There is nothing that will more surely label the shallow Christian as one who has no concern for others, nor any burden for the lost and suffering than his perpetual flow of foolish talking, and nonsensical joking. Although in the eyes of many,...

Job: Attempts to Justify God Can End up in Bad Theology - I

The case of Job and his three friends reveals that even attempts to justify God can end up in bad theology and actions that are gravely displeasing to Him. God is just, of course; but, suffering doesn't always mean "punishment for sin". Jesus made that clear to His disciples when He said that the man who was born blind was born so, not because of his sin or anybody's sin, but in order that God's works may be revealed in him (John 9:3). It would have been better for Job's friends to shut their mouths about what they didn't know instead of imagining...

Yessu Mera Aur Mein Unade Rogan Ni Sakhiyon - Punjabi Popular Folk Chris...


Understanding Lust & the Path of Deliverance (Teaching Outline)

Lust is not pent up energy that must be released; instead, lust is like a beast that must be starved to death. As the starvation grows acute, the beast will look desperate, but after the final drought of hunger unsatisfied, the beast will be dead -- it may be revived, nevertheless, at the smell of fresh water....Characteristics of LustVarious (2 Tim.3:6)Harmful (1 Tim. 6:9)Foolish (1 Tim.6:9)Deceitful (Eph.4:22)Fleshly (1Pet.2:11)Worldly (Tit.2:12)Ungodly (Jude 1:18)Thrust of LustLusts of Flesh (Eph.2:3)Lust of Heart (Rom.1:24)Lust of Eyes (1John...

E-Sword Bibles in Over 50 Languages

E-Sword Biblesin Arabic, Awadhi, Basque, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, Chinese Romanized, Cibuano, Coptic, Dari, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Icelandic, Kannada, Kekchi, Malayalam, Marathi, Mizo, Nepali, Persian, Punjabi, Romanian, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Uma, Urdu, Wolof, Xhosa, Zarma | afrikaans,  albanian,  amharic,  bulgarian, croatian, czech, czechcep, czechekumenicka, danish, dutch, esperanto, esperantonondiacritics, estonian,...

Explorations of Faith - II: Beyond Uncertainty

Beyond UncertaintyAphorisms from Volume IFaith in God is of ultimate kind and is, therefore, both unique and absolute. Since it is not concerned with contingent things of this world it is also not like the belief in the contingent things of the world.Belief in God is foundational to our common-sense assumptions about this world as both moral and rational. Anyone who denies God must also deny the existence of absolute morals and absolute truth, for both lose their foundation if their foundation is found within this world itself. It would be like...

Lead us not into temptation (Matt 6:13) - With Quotes from John Gilland William Gurnall

This short prayer phrase contains a number of powerful facts:1. "Lead us" - The fact that God doesn't abandon us in the hour of temptation. When He promised to be with us to the end of time, He stays with us even in the very moment of temptation. Unless He is there with us, He cannot lead. The prayer doesn't say "Send us not into temptation." But, it says, "Lead us not into temptation" because, even in the hour of temptation, the Lord is there with us to deliver us from falling. Now, this doesn't mean that it is God who tempts man - no, not at...
