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Corruption in India: Roots, Challenges, Solutions

There doesn't need to be a commentary on the problem of corruption in India. It is widespread and infecting every nerve and cell of the governmental administrative system. It's important to ax the tree at the root in order to destroy it.

The problem is systemic. One who gets into it usually ends up practicing it not just because others are practicing it, but because he might have got into the system through a corrupt mechanism of bribery on one hand. On the other, it may also mean that there are people out there who are willing to keep the mechanism going for their own benefit, meting injustice to the poor, and, perhaps, avoiding it would mean a loss of job or favor.

The challenge is not to uproot the wheat with the weed. There are many still in the system who are right, while the judicial system that relies mainly on evidences would fail to find some to condemn the corrupt. There is also the danger that the just ones are falsely condemned in place of or with the corrupt. The challenge is not chiefly for retributive justice, but for corrective justice.

Plato compared the State to the human body. Administration of proper drugs can weed out diseases and allow natural healing to take place. Truth is the best drug. Justice is the result of it. To a great extent, entertainment media and traditional cultures foster false world-views and expectations that provide real space for corruption as a quick alternative. These have to be adequately and properly countered by truth.

Minimum doses of Truth will not work. Since the disease is heavy, the doses need to be heavy and voluminous. Information has power. Hitler knew that and the Nazi government thrived on a system of heavy propaganda. The propaganda was false, therefore the results were disastrous. The modern world doesn't have time for truth. It wants anything that could bring fast wealth, prosperity, and materialist meaning in life. This is submission of spirit to brute forces. It is only when matter fails that people realize they need to halt and seek spiritual wisdom. Those who realize experience a gradual but happy convalescence. In order to bring healing to the nation, we need more ambassadors of truth who will stand for it, in their own little corners, bringing light to the darkest sections of our community.

Truth is Victorious. Truth Prevails. But, it can't without its ambassadors. Candles need to be burnt, lanterns need to be taken out in the open. Who will do it? Not those who are enslaved; only those who are free.


Corruption and Government
Corruption is a governmental problem, basically speaking. If there weren't government, "corruption" as such wouldn't exist. But, throwing the baby with the bath water is not a solution. It has been said well, "That government is best that governs the least". There are more instances of corruption in states under dictatorship than under any other form of government. Corruption exists where governmental hold exists, but in weakness. The government is not omnipresent and omniscient, and so cracks start up and grow large, allowing injustice, disorder, and lust to corrupt the governmental rule. There is always hope as long as the ship hasn't violated the law of buoyancy; however, once the shipwreck has occurred, the only salvation remains in abandoning the ship and getting into some safe place (if it exists....). But there is always hope as long as there is life (Eccl. 9:4). The body will only survive if the members don't turn on each other to consume them; but, will work in harmony and mutual construction. Those in authority must remember that authority or power is a huge responsibility. The "rulers" are responsible to keep the head in its proper place. The failure of the head leads to self-destruction in every way possible. The wise man keeps his eyes on his head. Those who have lost the ability to see cannot oversee. The kind of leadership and the choice of the right leadership is pivotal to the health and life of the nation.

Becoming Corruption-Free
A corruption free government is itself a law. It's like the law of gravity or the law of aerodynamics. It is the way it functions. The functioning creates the experience of Justice, Liberty, and Equality. The letter of the Law is not the chief point of focus. The spirit of the Law is important; and, the spirit of the Law is Justice, Liberty, and Equality.

A corrupt government curtails Moral Justice, Moral Liberty, and Moral Equality. It is immoral in essence. It is immoral because it is essentially lawless. It may have written, verbal laws. But, it lacks the spirit of the Law of human community function. A corrupt government is also a law: a law of disease and death.

The Essence of A Healthy Nation
The essence of morality is Love. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is the sum of all law. Love is what integrates a person into a healthy living. Love is what integrates a nation into healthy living. Therefore, any law that discourages the principle of "Love your neighbor as yourself" is immoral and devoid of the spirit of Justice, Liberty, and Equality.

Love is not just an emotional game. Love is the act that flows from a recognition of the dignity of the human individual, the human person. Love is not mere idealistic. It is personal.

A corrupt government leads the nation into:1. Distrust of governmental justice
2. Bribery, aristocracy, and marginalization
3. Terror. The government is looked at as a monster. It has weapons. It has forces. It has power. It rules by force and not by honor and love.

Citizen's role in creating corrupt government:1. Desire to escape justice and personal responsibility. (If you wish justice done to you, then you must also be willing to fully suffer for the injustice you have done to others; or else, you're partner with injustice.)
2. Love of money and wealth to the extent that the dignity of a human as human loses value.
3. Selfishness. Lack of love for one's fellow man/woman, whoever it is, is the first act of murder.
4. Cherishing inequality by allowing religion, anti-religion, communalism, cultural nationalism, sexism, racism, etc to dictate feelings of inequality. Cultism.
5. Pride. Crave for power through despotic thinking: desiring everyone to believe what you believe and think as you think. Such things are usually not possible even in families. Disagreements do occur, since diversity is the rule of community.
6. Rational blindness, and non-scientific temper, even in the name of science. Fanaticism that is not open to rational verification.
7. Tolerating injustice. Allowing violence to dampen the voice of reason and truth.
8. False hope that ultimately everything will be alright without us doing anything.

Citizen's role in creating corruption-free government:
1. Articulate absolute aversion to corruption.
2. Unite against all practices of corruption.
3. Challenge laws that promote corruption.
4. Instill in children hatred against bribery and immoral practices.
5. Be an example to children and youth of true patriotism, integrity of character, purity in love towards fellow-citizens, and moral responsibility.
6. Strip the esteem of money-mongering culture; repudiate greed and avarice; exalt the virtue of social responsibility.
7. Find out NGOs, Media workers, etc who are committed to a corruption-free government and inform them of any instance of corruption anywhere.
8. Believe in God, the True Judge of the Universe. He will give justice.

Quotes about Corruption from the Bible (NLT)

Proverbs 28:1-28
(1) The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.
(2) When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But with wise and knowledgeable leaders, there is stability.
(3) A poor person who oppresses the poor is like a pounding rain that destroys the crops.
(4) To reject the law is to praise the wicked; to obey the law is to fight them.
(5) Evil people don't understand justice, but those who follow the LORD understand completely.
(6) It is better to be poor and honest than rich and crooked.
(7) Young people who obey the law are wise; those who seek out worthless companions bring shame to their parents.
(8) A person who makes money by charging interest will lose it. It will end up in the hands of someone who is kind to the poor.
(9) The prayers of a person who ignores the law are despised.
(10) Those who lead the upright into sin will fall into their own trap, but the honest will inherit good things.
(11) Rich people picture themselves as wise, but their real poverty is evident to the poor.
(12) When the godly succeed, everyone is glad. When the wicked take charge, people go into hiding.
(13) People who cover over their sins will not prosper. But if they confess and forsake them, they will receive mercy.
(14) Blessed are those who have a tender conscience, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble.
(15) A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor as a lion or bear attacking them.
(16) Only a stupid prince will oppress his people, but a king will have a long reign if he hates dishonesty and bribes.
(17) A murderer's tormented conscience will drive him into the grave. Don't protect him!
(18) The honest will be rescued from harm, but those who are crooked will be destroyed.
(19) Hard workers have plenty of food; playing around brings poverty.
(20) The trustworthy will get a rich reward. But the person who wants to get rich quick will only get into trouble.
(21) Showing partiality is never good, yet some will do wrong for something as small as a piece of bread.
(22) A greedy person tries to get rich quick, but it only leads to poverty.
(23) In the end, people appreciate frankness more than flattery.
(24) Robbing your parents and then saying, "What's wrong with that?" is as serious as committing murder.
(25) Greed causes fighting; trusting the LORD leads to prosperity.
(26) Trusting oneself is foolish, but those who walk in wisdom are safe.
(27) Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing. But a curse will come upon those who close their eyes to poverty.
(28) When the wicked take charge, people hide. When the wicked meet disaster, the godly multiply.

Internet Resources

Corruption Perception Index (Transparency International). Photo: Wikipedia

External Links

Corruption in India according to Transparency International
India Against Corruption.

अहं से उद्धार

रविवार, जुलाई 11, 2010. पेंटिकॉस्‍टल चर्च, इटारसी
वक्‍ता: डॉ. डॉमिनिक मारबनियंग
”कुरियन थॉमस के चार दुश्‍मन हैं: संसार, शरीर, शैतान, और कुरियन थॉमस। आखिरी दुश्‍मन सब से खतरनाक हैं।” -डॉ कुरियन थॉमस
कहा जाता है कि लंदन के टाईम मैगज़ीन ने एक बार ”संसार के साथ क्‍या समस्‍या है” विषय पर कुछ लेख प्रकाशित किये थे। सब से लघु उत्‍तर विख्‍यात लेखक चेस्‍टरटन ने भेजा, और वह इस प्रकार था:
आदर्णीय सम्‍पादक महोदय,
आपके प्रश्‍न के संबंध में कि ”संसार के साथ क्‍या समस्‍या है”,
मै हुँ,
जी.के. चेस्‍टरटन
एक पादरी साहब रविवार सुबह के लिए संदेश बनाने में व्‍यस्‍त थे। तभी उनका बेटा आकर जिदद् करने लग गया कि ”आओ, पापा, मेरे साथ खेलो”। परेशान हो पिताजी ने एक विश्‍व के मानचित्र को 10 टुकडों में फाड़ कर बेटे को दिया और कहा कि ”जाओ इसे सही कर के लाओं।” वे सोच रहे थे कि इस से बेटा व्‍यस्‍त हो जाएगा और उनको तैयारी का समय मिल जाएगा। लेकिन बेटा थोडी ही देर में लौट गया, और वह मानचित्र भी सही कर लाया था। चकित हो जब पिता ने पूछा किे वह इतना जलदी इसे कैसे ठीक कर दिया, तो बेटे ने उत्‍तर दिया ”सरल था: जब आप नक्‍शा फाड़ रहे थे तो मैने देखा कि पीछे एक मनुष्‍य का चित्र है। बस, मै समझ गया कि यदी मनुष्‍य को ठीक कर दिया जाए तो दुनिया भी ठीक हो जाएगा। सो, मैने मनुष्‍य को ठीक कर दिया तो दुनिया का नक्‍शा भी ठीक हो गया।”
पादरी साहब को अगले दिन के लिए संदेश मिल गया था।
मनुष्‍य ही समस्‍या है और वह अपना स्‍वयं का सबसे घातक शत्रु हैं।

मनुष्‍य स्‍वयं अपना ही इतना बडा शत्रु क्‍यों है ? आईए देखें:

1.क्‍योंकि वह पाप के हाथ बिका हुआ हैं। (रोम 7:14) – पाप उसका स्‍वामी है। वह जो चाहता है उसे नही कर पाता है, परन्‍तु जो नही चाहता है उसे ही कर बैठता है।
2.क्‍योंकि उस में कोई भी भली बात नही है। (रोम.7:18)– शिक्षा शायद मनुष्‍य को सभ्‍यता का वस्‍त्र पहना सकती है, परन्‍तु उसके स्‍वभाव को बदल नहीं सकती है।
एक क्‍वाज़ी के पास उसका मित्र अपनी समस्‍या बता रहा था। उसका बेटा बडा ही अनाज्ञाकारी था। क्‍वाज़ी ने सलाह दिया कि बेटे को अच्‍छी शिक्षा दी जाए। उसने अपनी ही बिल्‍ली का उदाहरण देते कहा कि ”देखो इसे, यदी इसे प्रशिक्षण नही दिए होते तो क्‍या यह ऐसा खामोश और शान्‍त बैठा रहता? हमने इसे हमारी आदेशों का पालन करना सिखाया।” इस बुद्धिमानी के शाब्‍दों को सुनकर मित्र वापस लौटा। फिर कुछ वर्षों के बाद वह लौटा, तो क्‍वाज़ी ने बेटे का हाल पूछा। मित्र ने अपने साथा लाए एक छोटे से बक्‍से को खोल दिया, और तुरन्‍त उसमें से एक चूंहा छलांग लगाकर बाहर निकला। इसे देखकर बिल्‍ली से रहा नही गया। वह भी छलांग लगायी और उसके पीछे दौडने लगी। मित्र ने कहा ”क्‍यों, शिाक्षा तो सभ्‍य बनाती है, पर स्‍वभाव तो वैसे का वैसा ही है।” कया इसमें कोई संदेह है कि संसार के शिक्षित वर्ग पाप और लालच से अछूता? हम इस बात को भली भांति जानते है। बिना ईश्‍वर की सहायता के कौन व्‍यक्ति
3.क्‍योंकि वह शारिरिक हैं और शरीर के कायों का गुलाम हैं (रोम.7:5)
4.कयोंकि उसका मन परमेश्‍वर का शत्रु हैं और वह परमेश्‍वर की व्‍यवस्‍था का आधीन नही हो सकता। (रोम.8:7)
5. क्‍योंकि वह अपने ही विरुद्ध में जंग करता हैं। (याकूब 4:1, 1पत. 2:11)
6.क्‍योकि वह अपने ही आप को समझने में गलती करता हैं और अहंकार या निराशा से अपने आप को घायल कर देता है। (यशयाह .14:12 में शैतान की यही समस्‍या थी- वह अहंकार से ग्रसित था।
7. क्‍योंकि वह मूर्खता और बावलापन से भरा हुआ है। (सभोपदेशक 9:3)
8.क्‍योकि उसका मन धोखा देने वाला मन है। (यर्म.17:9). वह मुझे गलत बातों को सही सोचने का भ्रम में डालता हैं।. ग्‍लास में नाचते लाल शराब मुझे विष के बदले प्रमोद प्रतीत होता है।.
9.क्‍योंकि उसका विवेक दूषित हो गया हैं और भलाई और बुराई मे सही फ़र्क नही बता पाता (तीतुस 1:15)
10.क्‍योंकि वह अपने आप से भाग नहीं पाता। आप जहा क‍ही जाएं आप अपने आप को वही पातें हैं। एक बालक अपने परछाई से भागता हुआ अपनी मां के पास गया और कहने लगा ”देखों न मां, यह पीछे पीछे आता है।” क्‍या कोई अपनी ही परछाई से भाग सक है।
11.क्‍योंकि वह अपना ही विरोध करता है और एक विरोधक और असंगत जीवन शैली उत्‍पन्‍न करता है। (प्रेरित 18:6, तिम.2:25, KJV)

2 गलत मार्गें जिससे समस्‍या और जटिल हो जाती है:

1.बढ़प्‍पन: शक्ति, रुपैया, शान और शौकत, या धार्मिक प्रभाव की चेष्‍टा
2.बचावपन: नशीली पदार्थों की सेवन, गलत यौन सम्‍बंध, पार्टियां, शराब इत्‍यादी अपने आप से बचने के मार्ग
समस्‍या का समाधान केवल यीशु मसीह ही है।अपने देहधारण में उसने अपने आप को शून्‍य कर हमारे उद्धार के लिए मानव रूप धारण किया।
क्रूस पर पापों के बदले बलिदान देकर उसने हमें हमारी पापमय अवस्‍था से बचने का मार्ग तैयार किया।
मृतकों में से जी उठकर उसने हमें नया जीवन जीने का सामर्थ उपलब्‍ध कराया। सो जो मसीह में हैं वे नई सृष्टि हैं और उसके पुनुरुत्‍थान का सामर्थ उनमें विश्‍वास के द्वारा काम करता है।
जिस दशा में हम है, उसी दशा में वह हमसे प्‍यार करता है
जिस दशा में हम है, उसी दशा में वह हमें अपने पास बुलाता है।

विश्‍वास के आश्‍चर्यकर्म (यूहुन्‍ना 6: 1-14)

पाठ: यूहुन्‍ना 6: 1-14

Joh 6:1 इन बातोंके बाद यीशु गलील की झील अर्थात तिबिरियास की झील के पास गया।
Joh 6:2 और एक बड़ी भीड़ उसके पीछे हो ली कयोंकि जो आश्‍चर्य कर्म वह बीमारोंपर दिखाता या वे उन को देखते थे।
Joh 6:3 तब यीशु पहाड़ पर चढ़कर अपके चेलोंके साय वहां बैठा।
Joh 6:4 और यहूदियोंके फसह के पर्ब्‍ब निकट या।
Joh 6:5 तब यीशु ने अपनी आंखे उठाकर एक बड़ी भीड़ को अपके पास आते देखा, और फिलप्‍पुस से कहा, कि हम इन के भोजन के लिये कहां से रोटी मोल लाएं
Joh 6:6 परन्‍तु उस ने यह बात उसे परखने के लिये कही? क्‍योंकि वह आप जानता था कि मैं क्‍या करूंगा।
Joh 6:7 फिलप्‍पुस ने उस को उत्तर दिया, कि दो सौ दीनार की रोटी उन के लिये पूरी भी न होंगी कि उन में से हर एक को योड़ी योड़ी मिल जाए।
Joh 6:8 उसके चेलोंमें से शमौन पतरस के भाई अन्‍द्रियास ने उस से कहा।
Joh 6:9 यहां एक लड़का है जिस के पास जव की पांच रोटी और दो मछिलयां हैं परन्‍तु इतने लोगोंके लिये वे क्‍या हैं।
Joh 6:10 यीशु ने कहा, कि लोगोंको बैठा दो। उस जगह बहुत घास यी: तब वे लोग जो गिनती में लगभग पांच हजार के थे, बैठ गए:
Joh 6:11 तब यीशु ने रोटियां लीं, और धन्यवाद करके बैठनेवालोंको बांट दी: और वैसे ही मछिलयोंमें से जितनी वे चाहते थे बांट दिया।
Joh 6:12 जब वे खाकर तृप्‍त हो गए तो उस ने अपके चेलोंसे कहा, कि बचे हुए टुकड़े बटोर लो, कि कुछ फेंका न जाए।
Joh 6:13 सो उन्‍होंने बटोरा, और जव की पांच रोटियोंके टुकड़े जो खानेवालोंसे बच रहे थे उन की बारह टोकिरयां भरीं।
Joh 6:14 तब जो आश्‍चर्य कर्म उस ने कर दिखाया उसे वे लोग देखकर कहने लगे? कि वह भविष्यद्वक्ता जो जगत में आनेवाला या निश्‍चय यही है।

1 विश्‍वास का अलौकिक दृष्टिकोण

Joh 6:7 फिलप्‍पुस ने उस को उत्तर दिया, कि दो सौ दीनार की रोटी उन के लिये पूरी भी न होंगी कि उन में से हर एक को योड़ी योड़ी मिल जाए।
Joh 6:8 उसके चेलोंमें से शमौन पतरस के भाई अन्‍द्रियास ने उस से कहा।
Joh 6:9 यहां एक लड़का है जिस के पास जव की पांच रोटी और दो मछिलयां हैं परन्‍तु इतने लोगोंके लिये वे क्‍या हैं।
Joh 6:10 यीशु ने कहा, कि लोगोंको बैठा दो।
शिष्‍य स्‍वाभाविक बुद्धि के अनुसार सोच रहे थे। परन्‍तु यीशु विश्‍वास का अलौकिक दृष्टिकोण रखे।

2 विश्‍वास का अंगिकार वचन

Joh 6:10 यीशु ने कहा, कि लोगोंको बैठा दो।
शिष्‍य भय के नकरात्‍मक शब्‍द कह रहे थे। यीशु ने विश्‍वास के शब्‍द कहा।

3 विश्‍वास का आदर्श कार्य

Joh 6:11 तब यीशु ने रोटियां लीं, और धन्यवाद करके बैठनेवालोंको बांट दी: और वैसे ही मछिलयोंमें से जितनी वे चाहते थे बांट दिया।
विश्‍वास कर्म बिना अधूरा एवं मरा है। यीशु ने विश्‍वास के अनुसार कार्य किया। क्‍या आप विश्‍वास करते है और उसके अनुसार कदम लेते है।

4 विश्‍वास की असीमित सामर्थ

Joh 6:12 जब वे खाकर तृप्‍त हो गए तो उस ने अपके चेलोंसे कहा, कि बचे हुए टुकड़े बटोर लो, कि कुछ फेंका न जाए।
Joh 6:13 सो उन्‍होंने बटोरा, और जव की पांच रोटियोंके टुकड़े जो खानेवालोंसे बच रहे थे उन की बारह टोकिरयां भरीं।
यीशु के लिये कुछ भी असम्‍भव नही। यीशु पर विश्‍वास करने वालों के लिये, अर्थात उसकी इच्‍छा के पालन करने वालों के लिये, भी कुछ असम्‍भव नही।
यीशु पर विश्‍वास करें और आज एक महान आश्‍चर्यकर्म अपने जीवन में देखें।

परमेश्‍वर को सदा धन्‍य कहना (भजन 103: 1-5 )

पाठ – भजन 103: 1-5 
प्रचारक – डॉ. डामिनिक मारबनियांग 
स्‍थान – बुढार 
Psa 103:1 हे मेरे मन, यहोवा को धन्य कह और जो कुछ मुझ में है, वह उसके पवित्र नाम को धन्य कहे!
Psa 103:2 हे मेरे मन, यहोवा को धन्य कह, और उसके किसी उपकार को न भूलना।
Psa 103:3 वही तो तेरे सब अधर्म को क्षमा करता, और तेरे सब रोगोंको चंगा करता है,
Psa 103:4 वही तो तेरे प्राण को नाश होने से बचा लेता है, और तेरे सिर पर करूणा और दया का मुकुट बान्धता है,
Psa 103:5 वही तो तेरी लालसा को उत्तम पदार्थोंसे तृप्त करता है, जिस से तेरी जवानी उकाब की नाईं नई हो जाती है।।
परमेश्‍वर को सदा धन्‍य कहना।
अपने मन को आदेश दें की मन परमेश्‍वर को धन्‍य कहें
- क्‍योंकि मन सब से अधिक धोखा देने वाला है
- कयोंकि मन परमेश्‍वर को धन्‍यवाद देने से पीछे हट जाता है
परमेश्‍वर को धन्‍य कहना है
- सम्‍पूर्णता से. जो कुछ मुझ में है, वह उसके पवित्र नाम को धन्य कहे! यदि कुछ हममे ऐसा है जो उसके पवित्र नाम को धन्‍य नही कह सकता तो आज सम्‍पूर्ण समर्पण की आवश्‍यक्‍ता है।
- स्‍मरण करके. उसके किसी उपकार को न भूलना। अपने आप को उसकी भलाई याद दिलाने से स्‍वयं में गवाही होता है जिससे विश्‍वास मजबूत होता है। याद रखें कि वह हमारे सिर पर करूणा और दया का मुकुट बान्धता है। जब निराशा और अविश्‍वास का बादल छा जाएं तो अपने मुकुट को याद रखें।
परमेश्‍वर की आशीषें
  1. क्षमा - वही तो तेरे सब अधर्म को क्षमा करता

  2. स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य, सेहत - तेरे सब रोगोंको चंगा करता है

  3. सुरक्षा - वही तो तेरे प्राण को नाश होने से बचा लेता है

  4. संतुष्टि - वही तो तेरी लालसा को उत्तम पदार्थोंसे तृप्त करता है

वह हमें सम्‍पूर्ण रीति से आशीषित करता है। इसलिए आईए हम सम्‍पूर्ण जीवन से और उसके भलाईयों को स्‍मरण करते हुए उसे धन्‍य कहते रहेा

How Does God Speak to Us or Lead Us?

The Bible makes it very clear that God speaks with His people. It may be through illumination of His Word (the Bible), through servants of God, through prophecy, through visions or dreams, or through word of knowledge and word of wisdom. He speaks in various ways.

The Lord guides us through His PRINCIPLES given to us in the Bible.
The Lord guides us through His PROVIDENCE in the circumstances around us.
The Lord guides us through His POWER of the Holy Spirit within us.

It is important to remember that God's guidance will never contradict the truths of Scripture.
It is also important to remember that God is in control of our circumstances and will bring people and events in our way that will help us discern and obey His will in clearer ways.
Finally, God gives us the faith and power to follow Him in the right direction.

Remember that all things work together for good for those who love God, and that when we humble ourselves before Him and submit to Him, He is faithful in what we commit to Him. He is the Author and the Perfecter of our faith.

Surrender to God's will, Prayer, Meditation on God's Word, and Fellowship with God's people are important for us in order to know the times and discern God's will for our life.

Aug 10: World Crisis (..5,4,3,2,..0)

Global financial panic, riots in London and Karachi, airstrikes in Libya, winds of famine in Africa, earthquake in China + iniquity galore... we're zeroing into the Day of Judgment! Get Ready... "Look up... because your redemption draws near!" (Lk.21:28)

Dealing with Frustration the Jesus Way

FRUSTRATION is the experience of feeling thwarted from the fulfillment of a meaningful goal. The experience of frustration is the experience of pent up power that fails to find a meaningful vent of release due to blockades and constrictions that might look beyond one’s control –  chiefly social in nature. Unable to cope with the almost exploding power of confusion within, one becomes an easy prey to fleshly lusts, temper, irritability, and emotional despair. In the words of dog behaviorist, Caesar Millan, “Walls create frustration” so the dog must be taken out on a walk. However, while a simple walk can solve the dog-issue, it is more than some random outdoor walk that man needs in order to deal with frustration.

In humans, frustration is connected to one’s identification of one’s meaning in life – that is, how important a goal is in order to make life worth living. That determines the intensity level of frustration. Since man is a social being, shame and guilt play important roles in defining the frustrated situation. Therefore, the solutions would either be rebelling against shame and guilt or trying to run away from them. Failure to achieve one’s goal becomes an existential issue when the goal is thought to be central to one’s experience of shame and guilt. A human who fails to deal with frustration the right way will turn into a demon – since it is impossible for him/her (a socio-morally sentient creature) to be a mere animal of instinct.

The frustrated individual is vulnerable to impatience which leads to loss of character and integrity. Truth becomes unimportant in face of the goal to be fulfilled. A lack of clear vision of the goal can also lead to a very frustrated situation since the energy within has to bring forth fruit. Fruitlessness creates frustration.

Our role model to solve frustration is Jesus Christ. He is the Perfect Man; therefore, when we get into a very frustrating situation, we must begin by asking, What Would Jesus Do in this circumstance? The answer is rather simple:

1. Turn to God’s Word for Definition of Our Motives and Goals in Life.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” He said, “and all these things shall be added unto you,” “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” We must learn to discern our cross, deny ourselves, and follow Him. God’s Word produces faith and spiritual faith is the antidote to frustration. Frustration that results from worldly craving will never find peace; one must repent from any willful desires. But, when one seeks God’s goals, one will not be frustrated because one knows that God is always in full control of His business. We only need to be in the boat of His will and He’ll sail us through this finite ocean of space and time to reach His eternal shore.
2. Access God’s Throne of Grace in Prayer. We have the promise that the Holy Spirit will help us in our weakness in prayers and intercessions. We must lay open our heart before Him. He knows the situation better than we do. “But the frustration is also that I am not getting time to pray,” someone may say. Jesus prayed on the cross. There is no place or time where we cannot access His Throne. It is at His Throne of Grace that we find strength for our soul. But, we must access in humility, in our weakness, in our sole dependence on His wisdom and power.
3. Submit to God’s Will. Let’s remember that God is in control. Jesus prayed “Not my will, but Yours be done.” The three Hebrew children declared aloud that God is able to save them from Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace, but even if He didn’t they wouldn’t bow to the idol. They knew that God is in control and He works out good for all those who love Him.
4. Give Thanks to God and Exult in His Praises. A heart of gratitude is what the Lord taught us to have. When we focus on God's goodness and His greatness, we will find less reasons to feel bound, shackled, or forced into a corner. Paul knew that even if he was in prison, the Word of God was unchained. He also knew Him whom he believed and was confident that the Lord was able to keep what he had committed to Him. Jesus knew His Father and knew that not even a single hair of our head can fall without His knowledge. He said not even the sparrow which was thought to be an extra by the vendor is forgotten by God. He counts us far more valuable than the sparrows, for He sent His own Son to suffer for our sake that we may have life. Let's give thanks to the Lord for His goodness endures forever!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, often frustration fills my heart with strong anxiety, agitation, and impatience. It makes me feel stifled and suffocated and confused. But, Lord I know that You are always there by my side. You know and discern the intents and thoughts of my heart. Lord, search me and try me and run Your searchlight on my soul. I repent of my willful desires and self-seeking objects in life that leads only to frustration and loss of peace and love. I come to Your Throne of Grace, o Shepherd of my soul. I fall before You and seek Your mercy. Strengthen me by Your Spirit. I trust You Lord and submit to Your will knowing that what You have planned in the life of Your bondservant, no human or earthly power can ever thwart off, even if it feels like that in the moment. I trust You my Savior; not my will, but Your will be done! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, Amen!!

परमेश्‍वर को सदा धन्‍य कहना

पाठ - भजन 103: 1-5

प्रचारक - डॉ. डामिनिक मारबनियांग
स्‍थान - बुढार

Psa 103:1 हे मेरे मन, यहोवा को धन्य कह और जो कुछ मुझ में है, वह उसके पवित्र नाम को धन्य कहे!
Psa 103:2 हे मेरे मन, यहोवा को धन्य कह, और उसके किसी उपकार को न भूलना।
Psa 103:3 वही तो तेरे सब अधर्म को क्षमा करता, और तेरे सब रोगोंको चंगा करता है,
Psa 103:4 वही तो तेरे प्राण को नाश होने से बचा लेता है, और तेरे सिर पर करूणा और दया का मुकुट बान्धता है,
Psa 103:5 वही तो तेरी लालसा को उत्तम पदार्थोंसे तृप्त करता है, जिस से तेरी जवानी उकाब की नाईं नई हो जाती है।।

परमेश्‍वर को सदा धन्‍य कहना।
अपने मन को आदेश दें की मन परमेश्‍वर को धन्‍य कहें
- क्‍योंकि मन सब से अधिक धोखा देने वाला है
- कयोंकि मन परमेश्‍वर को धन्‍यवाद देने से पीछे हट जाता है

परमेश्‍वर को धन्‍य कहना है- सम्‍पूर्णता से. जो कुछ मुझ में है, वह उसके पवित्र नाम को धन्य कहे! यदि कुछ हममे ऐसा है जो उसके पवित्र नाम को धन्‍य नही कह सकता तो आज सम्‍पूर्ण समर्पण की आवश्‍यक्‍ता है।
- स्‍मरण करके. उसके किसी उपकार को न भूलना। अपने आप को उसकी भलाई याद दिलाने से स्‍वयं में गवाही होता है जिससे विश्‍वास मजबूत होता है। याद रखें कि वह हमारे सिर पर करूणा और दया का मुकुट बान्धता है। जब निराशा और अविश्‍वास का बादल छा जाएं तो अपने मुकुट को याद रखें।

परमेश्‍वर की आशीषेंक्षमा - वही तो तेरे सब अधर्म को क्षमा करता
स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य, सेहत - तेरे सब रोगोंको चंगा करता है
सुरक्षा - वही तो तेरे प्राण को नाश होने से बचा लेता है
संतुष्टि - वही तो तेरी लालसा को उत्तम पदार्थोंसे तृप्त करता है

वह हमें सम्‍पूर्ण रीति से आशीषित करता है। इसलिए आईए हम सम्‍पूर्ण जीवन से और उसके भलाईयों को स्‍मरण करते हुए उसे धन्‍य कहते रहेा

The Holy Spirit - Study #1


PCG Church, Sanjaynagar, Friday August 5, 2011

1.HELPER (PARAKLETOS) – Advocate – One Who Comes Along Side to Help (16:7)
Rom. 8:26 – Helps in Weakness
Rom. 8:26 – Helps in Expression of Prayer (Abba Father, Access through the Spirit Eph.2:18)
Eph. 3:16 – Strengthens Inner Man (Gives Power)
Rom. 8:13 – Helps to Mortify Deeds of Flesh
2 Tim. 1:7 – Gives Sound Mind

2.CONVICTOR (ELEGKHO) – Reproves, Rebukes, Admonishes (With Sternness) – (16:8)
Of Sin, Righteousness, Judgment
Sin (The Holy Spirit through Witness of the Church Makes the World Speechless Before God) – 1Pet.2:15, Rom.3:20.
Righteousness (The Holy Spirit through the Life of the Church Makes the World Speechless Before God) – 2Pet.2:9
Judgment (The Holy Spirit through His Power in the Church Makes the World Speechless Before God) – 1Jn.3:8, Rom.15:9, Heb.2:4

3.SPIRIT OF TRUTH - GUIDE (HODEGEO) – Shows the Way (16:3)
Many Things to Say (Completion of NT Canon Yet)
Will Guide You Into All Truth (Jesus Christ the Treasure of All Wisdom and Knowledge) – He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.
-Illumination (Understanding)

The essence of the Holy Spirit’s ministry is the testimony and glorifying of Christ. Not the glory of any man, the personal wellbeing of any man, but the glory of the Son.

Teach us to number our days (Psalm 90:12)–Sermon

So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

It is important to know that learning to number our days is essential in order to gain a heart of wisdom. Learning to number precedes wisdom. Fear of God is essential in order to rightly redeem our time.

This psalm is written by Moses, God's servant, at an age somewhere between 90-100 or beyond perhaps. He is really old. But, great men of God have often written great hymns, and this is one. We still sing those great hymns by the Wesleys, Luther, and others. We know that even Jesus sang hymns, He sang in Gathsamane. The angels sing praises to God in heaven. Singing is not something one should feel ashamed or too reserved about. It is a great way to glorify the Lord and also to remind ourselves of His attributes and His great works.

A bit of background about Moses: He had to run away from the glorious and glittering Egypt at the height of its civilization. Hebrews 11 tells us that he considered suffering for Christ better than the life in the palaces. Now, he's out in the wilderness with obviously no hope and no way ahead. All his education and training in Egypt were left behind, and would not work as much for the wilderness. He was 40 then.

He finally reached Midian, and we know of how he met Jethro, married Zipporah, and became a shepherd who tended sheep. This continued for years. One day, when he was 80, the Lord appeared and called him to go and bring his people from Egypt. That sounds interesting for a person at the age of 80. I wonder if Moses had submitted a resume, what it would look like. A rugged shepherd, who knew very less anymore of the outside world than the few sheep that he kept. Now, God is calling him to lead a great multitude to the Promised Land. Also, he wasn't any orator now; what would oratory matter in the wilderness among sheep. But, God doesn't look for qualifications before he calls someone. On the contrary, the Lord calls first and qualifies the one He has called later. He equips whom He calls. It's by His grace.

We learn a number of things here.

1. We shouldn't give up hope saying that it's all over or it's too late, at any time.
God called Moses when he was 80. Life was not over for him then; it was the beginning. Sadly, many young people conclude at a very young age believing that it's all over. It is the devil who comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). It's never too late for God. Let's learn to watch for His time and redeem "today" for His glory.

Remember the parable of Jesus where he mentions a man going out to hire people at various times. Some he hired in the morning, some in the noon, and some close to evening. Yet, they were all paid equally. It's His grace and not our ability. But, we must be available always for the Lord.

2. We shouldn't restrict God to a time-frame.
Moses sings that a thousand years are like a yesterday that is past in God's sight (Ps.90:4). God can do more in a second than all man has done in centuries together. Jesus ministered for only 3.5 years. Yet, John says what He did couldn't be summed up in all the books put together. Someone mentioned that all days of activity put together in the Gospels amount to some 21 days. We sure don't know many other things that the Lord did in those few years. They are innumerable. God is not restricted by time.

Sometimes, it may seem things are rewardless; but, God views things differently. The apostle James, for instance, died first among the disciples, being beheaded very early by Herod. Was his life and all those years of training with Jesus useless? Absolutely not. God's servant has his time-frame ordained by God in His kingdom. He lives or dies according to God's will. Jeremiah preached for several years and no one repented; but Jonah preached only some 3 days and got over 1 lakh turned away from their sins. Was Jeremiah a failure and Jonah successful? Of course not. All this is part of the work of the Kingdom, and God is in control. But, a person who seeks God's Kingdom and His will above everything else will obtain an ever enduring reward.

Let's wait on His will to manifest and be obedient to His leading.

3. Investment in God's work has eternal rewards.
"Even if one offers a cup of water in my Name," said Jesus, "he will not lose his reward." We should make best use of our time by investing eternally. I heard of a woman who ran three shops; by one she managed her family, and by the other two she supported missions. She had 5 boys and she sent them all out to be missionaries, and supported them in the mission field as well.

Let's learn to number our days in order to know God's will and follow it. Let's not just drift with the current of the world. Let's do something for the Kingdom. Let's pray, plan, and move forward. Let's not just be hearers but doers of the Word.

What Difference Does Christmas Make in Your Life (Hindi Message)

What Difference Does Christmas Make in Your Life
Preacher: Dr. Domenic Marbaniang
Event: District Churches Fellowship
Duration: 08:58
Language: Hindi

Dhanyawadi Hriday - Hindi Message

Dhanyawadi Hriday (Thankful Heart)
Message by Dr. Domenic Marbaniang
Duration: 11:04 (Clips)
Year: 2011
Language: Hindi
