One another year has blown past our face...

Wishing You a God-Charted Divinely Guided New Year!
May the paths to be traveled in 2013 be on course by the Wind of His Spirit;
& May your hearts be thrilled by another amazing year trip with our Captain, the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel!

One another year has blown past our face,
The winds of Tomorrow have settled with Yesterday;
We’ve passed the gorges; we’ve sailed in the open space;
We’ve travelled a lot and have left the past faraway.

There are noises without, but there’s quietness within;
There are ships with various draughts, but I know my sail and my wind.
There are innumerable ports and uncountable routes that one can take in;
But, I've my course all charted out and my sail lifted to God's Wind.

"they hoisted the mainsail to the wind and made for shore." Acts 27:40

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